Radiation Instrumentation Technical Committee Report to AdCom Chuck Melcher October 29, 2011
Knoxville, 2010 Total Number of Registrants "paid", includes life members, and exhibitors who pay through the booth fee. Doesn't include companions. # of Abstracts Submitted # of Abstracts Accepted about 1350 # of Short Courses - 6 with 400 students # of Exhibits - 58 (sold out) Trainee grants – 135 Sessions – 8 days
Knoxville, 2010
Future NSS-MIC Conferences 2011: Valencia; David Townsend 2012: Anaheim; Tom Lewellen 2013: Seoul; Hee Joung Kim 2014: Seattle; Tony Lavietes 2015: Liverpool ???
SORMA 2012 (Sponsored by NPSS) Oakland Marriott City Center (hotel contract has been signed) May 14-18, 2012 management contract with the IEEE Meeting Planners has been signed contract for the reception site, the Oakland Museum, will be signed soon budget was submitted to Ron and Tony for for approval about a month ago web site is up Expecting 600 attendees General Chair: Jasmina Vujic, Chairman of the Nuclear Engineering Department at UC Berkeley Assistant General Chair: Jim Siegrist, Associate Laboratory Director for General Sciences (Physics, Nuclear Science, Accelerator/Fusion, and Engineering) at LBNL Several members of the organizing committee have strong experience from the 2008 SORMA
ANIMMA 2011 (Technically Co-Sponsored by NPSS) June 6-9, 2011 in Ghent, Belgium Patrick Le Du was very active in the organization of the conference as well as in the preparation of the MOU. 226 accepted submissions; 199 presented 299 participants 85 % Europe (France + Belgium = 55%); 10% North America; 5% Asia Exhibitors : 16 New this year: –One day short courses –Intensive oral sessions --> replace POSTER sessions –IEEE ANIMMA –Stand in middle of exhibit - Newsletters and NPSS brochure distributed –Proceeding table Dora Merelli –Transaction Ch.Ilgner
SCINT 2011 (Technically Co-Sponsored by NPSS) General Chair: Rainer Novotny Organizing Committee –Paul Lecoq –Bill Moses –Chuck Melcher –Alex Gektin ~200 attendees 5 days (no parallel sessions)
3rd PLIM – 2012 (Technically Co-Sponsored by NPSS) Third International Symposium on Nuclear Power Plant life Management for Long Term Operation Salt Lake City, Utah, USA May 13/14 – May 18, 2012
Third International Symposium on Nuclear Power Plant life Management for Long Term Operation Briefing IAEA, February 10, 2011 Leonard J Bond, PNNL Gene Carpenter, NRC Richard Reister, DOE-NE
Observations regarding American Physical Society meetings At the April 2011 meeting in Anaheim, a trial of the usefulness of online slide presentations was conducted Slides were uploaded by (some of) the speakers and were available immediately after their talks Preliminary analysis indicates 39,000 page hits and 7000 talk downloads (7 x number of attendees) A survey indicated particular value to members in industry, members outside the U.S., and student members APS is using smart phone apps to give attendees access to session schedules, abstracts, maps, and exhibitor lists The apps have a personal scheduler capable of real time updates (when wifi is available), but the apps are primarily off-line; data is downloaded in advance This is also done at Pittcon