Agenda (30/06/2005) Approval of Agenda Round table Review of work performed since last meeting Review of change proposals on standard page Other change proposals Status of Interwoven Audit (by Dave Ellison) Benchmark process Presentation of best practices of using templates Date of next meeting Wrap-up of the meeting
Round table
Review of work performed since last meeting Subsite homepage Point 1 - Heading of first right column It is now possible to place an image by itself within the right hand column. You no longer are required to provide a heading. Point 2 - Logo on printed version of pages The EUROCONTROL logo has been placed onto the printed version of the public web pages. The logo appears to the left of the breadcrumb. This will increase the agency branding. Point 3 - Same building blocks as standard page The central part of the subsite homepage now has the building blocks of the standard page with the exception of the embedded object. This would cause a problem due to the subsite homepage having a right hand column. The thin dashed lines between the content sections have also been removed. Point 4 - Bullet lists The bullet list have now been included - covered by point 3 above.
Review of work performed since last meeting Point 5 - Adding things to the navigation The WPG rejected this request in the meeting. The general conception was to leave the navigation as is so it is very clear to end users. By allowing pictures and text within the navigation it could cause some confusion. Point 6 - W3C Validator Check DAD (external company producing for the templates) did not have enough time to implement this. The request was for the code produced by the templates to pass the W3C validator check Point 7 - Blue background is printed If you change the Internet Explorer settings to "print background colors and images" the blue background no longer gets printed.
Contacts Template Point 1 - Black line The black line separating the contact name and details has been removed to increase readability. Point 2 - Contact role background colour The background colour has been changed to blue when displaying the contacts role and position. Point 3 - More space between contacts More space has been provided between two different contacts. Review of work performed since last meeting
1.Place a space by default above each header so that sections are better separated 2.Create 'Previous' link and 'Next' link on the bottom right hand side of the page. 3. needs to be aligned at the bottom of the page, or at the very least there should be two spaces above it to separate it from the rest of the content. 4.At present, if the side navigation is longer than the page, the last validation is suspended in air. Can this be modified so that the last validation is aligned to the base of the page? Review of change proposals on standard page
5.You should be able to click on the sub site Logo image to get to its homepage. 6.When we include a local image, could we have an automatic resize to ensure that the maximum width is not exceeded. 7.We need level 2 bullet lists. (either number or bullet) 8.Chapter titles level1 and level 2 layouts are too similar. You cannot spot easily the structure of a page. Could we for example use a different color for level 2? Review of change proposals on standard page
9.It should be possible to include flash files (.swf) at any place where images are located for the time being. The surface size of the flash should be taken by the system from the.swf file so that the user has not to re-enter it. Flash could come from Mediabin or the local gallery. 10.It should be possible to centre the introduction image, now you can choose between left or right. If centred, the maximum width of the image for Mediabin shall be 550. Review of change proposals on standard page
11.It should be possible to get data from a database e.g. The user defines structured content and selects which SQL query to be used to display the results from the user parameters defined in a form. The SQL query has to be created by specialists. Review of change proposals on standard page
12.In some cases, it should be possible to define that the introduction image is placed above the page title see: solutions.html There is a nice banner, but to be able to add it this way you can not enter a page title, which is reducing their chance to be well placed in web ranking as the page title is one of the elements used for the ranking. I propose that the introduction image contains a new field (a toggle, below (default) or above) solutions.html Review of change proposals on standard page
13.Would it be possible to have more flexibility in the order of the different building blocks: for instance to have in the same Content : text bullet list text With the current system, we have to use a workaround by creating a second Content without a tile. It makes the DCR not very readable. If the building blocks are not yet available in the current EUROCONTROL version of Teamsite, could we simply use - (dash) in the text of the content to indicate a bullet item. The convention could be: - bullet level 1 -- bullet level 2 * numbered bullet level 1 ** numbered bullet level 2 (This is a common practice in Web CMS) Review of change proposals on standard page
14.I've noticed that justified text alignment is automatic at the "Introduction text" field, and can't be set at all at the Content "Text" field. Would it be possible to have the 4 alignment option [left, right, centered, justified] for the "Text" and "Introduction text" field, or at least the auto justified option for the "Text" field. 15.In the contact field, the only possibility to put "Contact:" in front of the name of the contact person is to put "Contact:" into the 'First name' field. It would be nice to have a separate field for this. Review of change proposals on standard page
16.Possibility should exist to delete or create several replicants at once. Example: When making a bullet list it can take a long time to create the bullets one by one deleting them and this is more inconvenient has also to be done one by one. 17.Maximum of related links should be more than When new content is created (clicking on the plus button) by default an empty line is created (by default) separating the two contents. This should not be or there should be the possibility to delete this empty line.
19.The top and footer links which are named the same and go to corporate and SBU sites need to be distinguished between. Blue colour on background of top to indicate EUROCONTROL section, and white for SBU? 20.We should be able to delete multiple DCRs in one go, and not one after the other, which is time consuming 21.A sitemap page should be automatically generated from the navigation tree - we should not have to manually create one. Other change proposals
22.At footer of page, 'Content Supplier' is shown, whereas in the 'Site Preferences', this field is referred to as 'Footer webmaster '. The content supplier and Webmaster are being used interchangeably, when they are not the same thing. The content suppliers are the authors, who are normally already mentioned at the foot of their respective pages, so there is no need to call this field 'Content Supplier'. Please could this field be standardised to refer to, e.g. Webmaster. Other change proposals
23.It would be nice if all branches can publish news and events on the corporate homepage and news and event lists. When submitting a news or event through a workflow, part of the workflow could go to the editor of the corporate branch. He/she would then be able to allow or disallow this news or event to be published automatically in the news and event lists, or even on the public EUROCONTROL homepage. 24.An effective Anti-spam solution - suggested to use Forms Other change proposals
Interwoven Confidential
Benchmark Interwoven template and workflow
Rational Performance of Interwoven is not the same depending of time and location Requirements to improve performance have been raised –To make improvements, current situation requires to be assessed –From this situation, new target shall be established
Tasks definition Create a page and deploy it to live server through emergency workflow, being yourself the approver –User dependency High for creation of the DCR Low for workflow execution –Measure the time from start to launch of workflow and from launch of workflow to visibility on the web server –Multiple runs of the test during one week of July ~ AM (time 1) ~ AM (time 2) ~ PM (time 3)
The test : two types of pages –This simple page shall be the following content : page/bl_benchmark_simple.html page/bl_benchmark_simple.html –Copy/paste the title, the chapter title, the set of text, 4 bullet points, two links to non EUROCONTROL web site, no image, no pdf file –The complex page shall be based on the following content : page/bl_benchmark_complex.html page/bl_benchmark_complex.html A title, a chapter title, a set of text, 4 bullet points, two links to non EUROCONTROL web site, two links to existing page of your branch, two images to upload, two files to upload, one library item to create and to embedd
Send your results Send your results on template Support special page for benchmarking –Your name –When you have runned the test (time 1, 2 or 3) –Duration of part 1 (creation) –Duration of part 2 (workflow) You will have to run 15 times the test
Expected outcome Average over day, over the 3 tests Helping to find outliers –People having problem in the usage –Performance problem
Possible actions Improve training Define target Improve architecture by knowing the bottlenecks
Presentation of best practices of using templates
Date of next meeting 28 July h h00 ?
Wrap-up of the meeting