ED 505 Educational Technology By James Moore
What is the definition of Netiquette and how does it apply to social media sites? ◦ Netiquette is the way you should and should not behave while using social media sites on the internet. Always do what’s right Never compromise
Treat others fairlyBe accountable for actionsThink before you Speak
Don’t harass others Don’t mass message Do not be a know it all
What does Plagiarism mean? ◦ A piece of written work or an idea that someone copied and claimed as his or her own. The act of stealing someone else’s work or idea. Don’t steal work from others
When using another persons work always “cite” the material. Always give credit to the person’s: Facts Opinions Theory Ideas Material that is not common knowledge
Plagiarism checker – A tool that helps scan and detect any type for plagiarism in documents. Google search most traditional and effective way of recognizing Plagiarism Google books – checks term papers, checks books, and essays Free plagiarism web links:
Have adequate space between students Limit Restroom Breaks Ban all electronic devices
What is copyright? ◦ A legal device that provides creator of a work of art or literature, or a work that conveys information or ideas. What is fair use? ◦ A legal doctrine that allows portions of the copyright material to be used without permission of the copyright owner provided the use is fair and reasonable.
Copyright ◦ A legal device that tells you what you CAN NOT do with a piece of work! Fair Use ◦ A legal device that gives you exceptions of what you might be able to do depending on the circumstances.
You may use another person’s copyrighted material fairly if the work provided changes the original content of the materials to something creative and original, such as satire, parody, or a political statement. It is not exactly fair to use another person’s copyrighted material for a educational, noncommercial, or private purpose, or to exercise your First Amendment rights. It is fair to use copyrighted material only when necessary to explain your ideas. When using copyrighted materials only use the bare minimum to state your case.
Identity Theft What is it? The illegal use of someone else’s personal information. Types of Identity Theft Financial Medical Criminal Children Social Security
Only give your SSN out when necessary Check your credit report often Do not carry around your Social Security Card Be cautious of promotional scams/phishing on internet Cancel all unused credit accounts Shred all mail before putting in trash Do not give personal information over the phone
What is reputation management? A system of managing the reputation of an existing company, new company, or one that needs advertising. Online services monitor negative reviews, sarcasm, and comments and help to rebuild a companies worthy reputation. Many businesses lose customers and money when false information is spread across social networks.
Never submit password by an Always log off your computer when using Make password and user name unique and different Don’t store any passwords online
What is it? When a child, preteen, or teen, is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed, or otherwise targeted by another child by the means of internet, interactive and digital technologies.
What is Cyberstalking? The use of the internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass, an individual, a group, or an organization. It can lead to criminal activities such as identity theft, and solicitation of minors.
What is a virus? Computer program that can replicate itself and spread from one computer to another. How to Prevent VIRUSES Use antivirus software protection all the time Install security patches Use a firewall protection at all times Secure your browser Control your s Don’t fall victim of virus hoaxes Don’t fall victim to internet scams
What are TROJAN HORSES? A common threat to your computer system and hides in other programs that are harmless (utilities, games, and screen savors). Once they have been executed they give control of your computer to a hacker. It may destroy your computer. How to Prevent Update antivirus and security software often Never download unauthorized programs
What is a WORM? Malicious software applications designed to spread via computer networks. They are a form of malware. Once installed on a computer, worms generate additional messages containing copies of the worm. Biggest threat is its capability to replicate on your computer. How to Prevent Update antivirus and security software regularly
What is PHISHING? A form of online identity theft in which fraudsters trick internet users into submitting personal information to illegitimate websites. How to Prevent Check personal bank statements often Only communicate personal information through secure websites Never personal or financial information
Retrieved from: January 24, 2013www.onguardonline.gov/articles/0003-philosophy Retrieved from: January 26, 2013www.stanford.edu/~plomio/history.html Retrieved from: January 26, 2013www.sciencedaily.com/articles/c/computer_worm.htm Retrieved from: January 24, 2013www.spamlaws.com/computer-password-protection.html Retrieved from: January 27, 2013www.bitlaw.com/copyright/fair_use.html