Girls make up the majority of student government officials, after school club leaders, and school-community liaisons.
Boys are approximately one and one-half years behind girls in reading and writing competency.
Males are more inclined to hyperactivity disorders.
Boys outnumber girls 4:1 in remedial reading classes
Girls have better hearing than boys.
Males outperform females on trivia games.
More females than males are enrolled in advanced math and science classes.
Females have 30% more neural connections in the brain.
Boys earn 70% of the D’s and F’s in middle school and high school.
Boys account for 90% of discipline referrals.
Girls have better fine-motor skills
Girls comprehend narrative and expository texts significantly better than boys.
Boys write for an audience of peers whereas girls write for the teacher.
When discussing plot, boys focus on the action of the plot while girls tend to focus on the motivation of the characters.
Girls are more willing to read and write in a variety of genres.
Boys tend to receive more open and direct criticism for weakness in their reading and writing performances from their teachers.
Boys are more enthusiastic about reading and writing electronic texts.
Boys read and write for more utilitarian purposes while girls express interest in leisure reading and writing.
Girls outperform boys in reading and writing in grades 4, 8, and 12.
Girls draw nouns, boys draw verbs.
Girls use reading and writing strategies more.
Boys have stronger opinions than girls about which books appeal to which gender
Girls are more open to unpleasant emotions in the their reading
Men dominate language based careers in law and journalism.
Twice as many boys fail English than girls and twice as many girls achieve distinctions than boys.
Boys’ writing tends to limit the offering to female roles.
Boys’ writing positions male characters in powerful roles that require independent problem solving.
Female characters in girls’ narratives tend to play powerful roles and resolve conflicts through the creation of alliances
Boys do not suffer from feminist initiatives in schools, instruction, and curriculum.
Boys have lower estimations of the literacy abilities than girls
Boys take longer to learn to read.
The gender of the teacher does not impact the success of the student.
Males have better visual acuity than females.