ITINERARY Provide an Overview Provide general direction Presentation will be posted on the school web-site
GUIDANCE & COUNSELING DEPT. A-ClMs. Medlin Co - GDr. Loyd H - KDr. Benjamin L - NMrs. Byrd O - SkMs. K. Jones Sl - ZMrs. Kennedy 9 th GradeMs. Ricks
Ms. Medlin will return on October 29, 2010.
12 th Grade Administrator Mr. Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
SENIOR CLASS SPONSORS Mrs. Dee Anna Bean (room B27) Mrs. Susan Lockwood (room B29)
INVOLVE YOUR SENIOR Develop Realistic Goals Evaluate Problem- solving Skills Give Your Senior Responsibility
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS College Prep Diploma Technical Diploma Diplomas with Distinction Test Requirements
Should your student fail a required class It is the Student’s responsibility To check on grades To contact a counselor to determine options School Plus Phoenix Community Schools Credit Recovery On-line
PLEASE NOTE: ALL course requirements must be completed in order to participate in the graduation ceremony!!
Application for Graduation Appointment with counselor Requirements for graduation participation Discussion of future plans Information for letters of recommendation Student Brag Sheet Parent Brag Sheet Social Security #
4-YEAR COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY Bachelor’s Degrees Public Colleges/Universities Private Colleges/Universities SAT / ACT for entrance exam
2-YEAR COLLEGE Associate Degrees Public Private Transfer to a 4-Yr. College TAG Program Entrance Exams Vary
TECHNICAL COLLEGE Programs Degree Certificate or Diploma Compass Exam for Degree Program No SAT/ACT
MILITARY Opportunities Training Education Travel Policies Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery—September 28, 2010** Scholarships
CAREER INFORMATION College and Career Room Video Library Books Dictionary of Occupational Titles Occupational Outlook Handbook
College Visits Visit During regular session Pre-arranged absences Better in the fall (exam exemptions) List of questions to ask Contact the college to set up
HOW MANY? “Dream School” Likely—a pretty good chance of getting in Safety—a sure thing for admission and cost 1 to 2 schools in each category
Getting into UGA and GA Tech UGA middle 50% entering freshmen ‘09 GPA (41% 4.0 or higher) GA Tech middle 50% entering freshmen ’09 GPA
Getting Into UGA and GA Tech UGA middle 50% entering freshmen ’09 SAT scores GA Tech middle 50% entering freshmen ’09 SAT scores
College and Career Specialist Donna Varzaly Transcripts Provides requests for recommendations to counselors Contacts Students when Counselors complete recommendations Great Resource for Scholarships
THE APPLICATION Sources College Admissions Office College web site BHS College and Career Room When “the early bird….?” Deadlines
PARTS OF AN APPLICATION Application Fee Test scores Personal Statement/Essay Interview or Audition School or Counselor Recommendation Teacher Recommendations
College Board’s Annual Survey (2006) Number of Institutions indicating the factor as a priority: School Achievement 89% Test Scores85% Recommendations48% Essay43% Interview31% Activities30% College Counseling Source Book, 4 th edition
THE PROCESS Complete on-line Save Print, Edit, Proof, Save No /texting jargon Check your student’s address Submit Record confirmation number Colleges prefer online applications
“OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT” OUT OF STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSTIES Request “paper” transcript from Counseling Office $2.00 cost You mail GEORGIA COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES ONLY Transcript as of June Can send paper copy if you want
TRANSCRIPTS Mid-year reports Final transcripts
“CORE” CLASSES Language Arts Math Science Social Studies Foreign Language (for College Prep)
TESTS S.A.T. I (reasoning tests) A.C.T. S.A.T. II (subject area tests) T.O.E.F.L. ASSET/COMPASS Public Ga 2-Yr Colleges & Tech. Colleges Armed Services Vocational Battery Aptitude
TEST PREP RESOURCES Core BHS Brookwood Community School Commercial organizations Tutor List
RECOMMENDATIONS Only when requested Plan ahead Student Brag Sheet/Parent Brag Sheet Resume Please be polite
PLAN AHEAD Check deadlines Post-mark vs. received by Allow teachers & counselors at least 2 weeks for letters
THE LETTER ARRIVES…… ACCEPTED! (Hooray) Send deposits May 1, 2011 deadline Celebrate Wait-Listed Don’t panic Evaluate back-up plan Denied— It’ll be o.k. Go to back-up plan
FINANCIAL AID College Financial Aid Office GA. Student Finance Commission: October 28, 2010 Forms F.A.F.S.A. C.S.S. Profile GA. Tuition Equalization Grant
TYPES OF FINANCIAL AID Scholarships Academic Special Talents Special Circumstances Grants Generally don’t require repayment Based on financial need Federal Pell Grant Program Loans
SOURCES Federal Government (68%) State Government (5%) College (20%) Private Sources (7%) Employers Corporations Coca Cola, Target, Wal-Mart Civic Organizations Elks, VA, Rotary, Lilburn Women’s Club, etc.
SCHOLARSHIPS VERY COMPETITIVE 98% Scholarships Awarded to Top 25% of Class Beware of Companies Making Promises
ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIPS Register with Send a transcript S.A.T./A.C.T. scores must be sent directly from the testing service Calculate core average according to NCAA requirements
Senior Bulletin Posted to the Web and on facebook: Facebook: Brookwood High School Counseling Department
H.O.P.E. SCHOLARSHIP College Prep Diploma 3.0 CORE Average Technical Diploma 3.2 CORE Average Social Security Number F.A.F.S.A.
HOPE CALCULATIONS A = 4.0 B = 3.0 C = 2.0 D = 1.0 Advanced Placement Classes 10 pts. Subtracted .5 added
“CORE” CLASSES Language Arts Math Science Social Studies Foreign Language (for College Prep) Any Core Elective
HOPE GRANT No minimum average required Applicable at Technical Colleges for diploma and certificate programs
HELPFUL WEB SITES Brookwood High School College Board/S.A.T. A.C.T. Commons Application:
WEB SITES CONT’D On-line applications for GA. Colleges and much more GA. Student Finance Commission (H.O.P.E.) Free App. For Federal Student Aid
Sources of Information from the BHS Counseling Department The Tack Room Brookwood High School Counseling Department on Facebook
OUR AIM... Provide an Overview Provide general direction