What is Digital Citizenship?
Digital Citizenship Digital Citizenship is knowing and understanding the proper use of technology. The following are some topics that one needs to be aware of when using technology: Netiquette on social media sites, copyrights and fair use, plagiarism, safety on the internet, and safety on your computer.
Netiquette on Social Media Sites Netiquette is defined as the rules of etiquette that apply when communicating over computer networks, especially the internet. (found on Here are a few items that you may want to look at before you begin using or a social network. Do’sDon’ts -watch your tone when typing an or on a social media site -Do not use ALL CAPS -check your spelling-send unsolicited file attachments -when writing an , use a descriptive subject line - Expose your routing list to spammers
Copyright & Fair Use A copyright is defined as the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literacy, musical, or artistic work; such works are protected for the lifetime of the author or creator and for a period of 50 years after his/her death. Fair use is defined as the conditions under which you can use material that is copyrighted by someone else without paying royalties.
Copyright Always be careful when using copyrighted items- make sure the items cover the topic you are teaching (even if that means shortening a video clip) Do not ever show work publicly, even if the event is free.
Fair Use Purposes for which reproduction is considered fair: criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. If you are planning on sharing or selling your work, as long as you were careful to choose copyrighted media that was necessary to meet your educational objectives for that particular lesson.
Plagiarism To use another’s production without crediting the source. Also thought as committing literary theft. How to Avoid it? Give credit where credit is due Use quotation marks when quoting directly Cite your sources!
How to recognize and stop Plagiarism There are several programs out there that educators are allowed to use when fearing of plagiarism. These programs were developed to deter students from plagiarizing from the fear of getting caught. A few programs to check out are: Turnitin.com Plagiarism.org Glatt Plagiarism Services, Inc. Integriguard Essay Verification (EVE 2)
Safety on the Internet Here are a few tips to stay safe while using the internet: Don’t befriend unknown people Don’t post personal information Don’t embarrass or harass people Don’t send or post provocative images Don’t share passwords Don’t click on pop ups
Cyber bullying It is defined just as it sounds, as bullying over the internet. Cyber bullying includes actions such as: spreading rumors, posting pictures without consent, stealing passwords to assume someone else’s identity Threatening of harassing with offensive language Signs Victim will stop using the computer or cell phone Act nervous when receiving , IM, or text Uneasy about school Withdraw from family and friends
Cyber Stalking Cyber stalking is similar to cyber bullying but the child is being pursued by someone else for different reasons. Become suspicious if your child starts receiving mail, unknown calls, lots of time online, upset when they can’t get online, and turn off screen when you walk into the room.
Prevention Never share your information (passwords, name, social security number, etc.) Check your privacy settings- make sure you use secure sites and keep your social media pages set to private. Keep your parental controls accordingly
Safety on your computer There are a number of things that can harm your computer from the internet. A few of these item include: viruses, worms, trojan horses, and phishing. Viruses A virus is a program that duplicates itself and spreads by inserting copies of itself into programs or documents that already exist. A common way of spreading viruses is through attachments, but it can be stopped by an Anti-virus protection program, such as Norton.
Worm A worm is a lot like a virus, but it contains all of the code it needs to carry out its purpose. This also spreads primarily through by searching address books and other possible sources for addresses. A firewall is a must have guard to prevent worms. Phishing Phishing is a scam that uses fake s from real companies to trick people into giving out their personal information. This is a common form of Identity Theft that has immersed from the telephone. The only way to avoid letting this happen to you is to not give out your information to anyone.
Trojan Horses A trojan horse will pretend to be a useful program or pretend to contain a useful function as cover for a harmful one. Screensavers are often used as their carrier. Trojan Horses cannot replicate themselves, but aren’t caught by all anti-virus programs, so spyware programs should be considered for your computer as well.
Work Cited Netiquette do/don’t list Kass Johns. (1996, December). Basic electronic mail netiquette (network etiquette). Retrieved September 6,2012, from Copyright and Fair Use Definitions: Other Information: Aufderheide, P. (2012). The code of best practices in fair use for media literacy education. Retrieved September 6, 2012, from practices-fair-use-media-literacy-education
Work Cited Continued Plagiarism Definition and how to avoid it: What is Plagiarism? (July 2008) Retrieved September 6,2012, from l l How to recognize and stop it: Technologies to Detect and Prevent Plagiarism (n.d.) Retrieved September 6, 2012, from faculty.stanford.edu/~eroberts/cs201/projects/honor-code/tech.htmhttp://www-cs- faculty.stanford.edu/~eroberts/cs201/projects/honor-code/tech.htm Safety on the Internet Internet Safety Basics (2010). Retrieved September 6,2012, from Safety on your computer Laurie, V. (2012). Internet safety. Retrieved September 6,2012, from
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