1 The PHARE Concept and Scenarios by Job Brüggen Head Air Transport Division National Aerospace Laboratory, NLR.


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Presentation transcript:

1 The PHARE Concept and Scenarios by Job Brüggen Head Air Transport Division National Aerospace Laboratory, NLR

2 PHARE PHILOSPHY From problem to solution domain l The Problem: How to get twice the airspace capacity l One bottleneck is controller capacity l Solution domains: reduce the controller workload by... l Using more controllers (soon exhausted) l Re-distribute workload over existing controllers l Shift workload to ATC system l Shift workload to cockpit (Free Flight)

3 Air Ground Integrated ATM - key items- l User Preferred Trajectory from gate to gate l aircraft optimal trajectory is basis for planning l System support for ATCo with planning, conflict detection, resolution and monitoring l Digital datalink between air and ground l Extend the planning horizon l from tactical to strategic actions l Close the prediction / control loop

4 User Preferred Trajectory Where do we want to go today? Conflict search Conflict resolution Mmm..., thats okay

5 The PHARE Demonstrations (PDs) 1995 NATS (+DERA) PD/1: En Route NERC sectors 10 & DLR PD/2: Arrivals Frankfurt TMA + ACC West sector 1998 PD/3: Gate-to-Gate CENA Charles de Gaulle Departures Sectors: CDG Departure Paris ACC: TN/TB Reims ACC: UN/XN NLR Schiphol Arrivals Schiphol TMA Amsterdam ACC: South sector Maastricht: Brussels West EEC Paris to Amsterdam CDG Departure Paris ACC: TN/TB Reims ACC: UN/XN Reims ACC: UY/UR Maastricht: Brussels West Amsterdam ACC: South sector Schiphol TMA

6 Significance of PHARE in relation to other developments PHARE Concept Free Flight Free Flight Yes! User Preferred Trajectories in all phases of flight Benefit to user Yes! Freedom to select path & speed in FF airspace Planning Gate to gate 'continuum' trajectories - 4D planning for whole flight - seamless Re-planning needed on entering managed airspace - short term, 4D Intent trajectories Required avionics B-RNAV, 4D FMS, data-link for full benefit ASAS, B-RNAV, data- link Required ground systems 4D tools, data-link for full benefit Conflict detection and resolution, data-link Separation Assurance GROUND based AIR based, ground assistance

7 l In TMA 4D ground based ATC control is essential for scheduling optimal arrival sequence (capacity, noise) l In en-route situations FF is admirably suited to fulfill the job. l PHARE Concept and Free Flight will live well together: Synergy for the Future

8 l PHARE Research sees fruitful spin-offs and results: l Highly Interactive Problem Solver (HIPS) in oceanic application l Flight Path Monitor, Conflict Probe, Cooperative Tools, Eurocontrol Medium Term Conflict Detection l Ground HMI l PHARE-ATN l FMS developments (4th and 5th Framework Programme Short term developments

9 EATMP Operational Concept Document PHARE Concept of 4D ATM PHARE expertise ATM strategy How to use the PHARE vision for today

10 To conclude l The PHARE concept is Air Ground Integrated, 4D ATM l It is designed to assist the controller to improve his efficiency, and to redistribute the workload over controllers. l 4D ATM and User Preferred Trajectories directly serve the goals of the user (passengers and airlines) and environment.