UHR board Riga March 2006
The structure of tertiary education The general structure of higher education (2006) is: Governmental funding: 6 universities students 5 specialised universities students 25 university colleges students 2 art colleges 700 students 26 private higher education institutions students Students abroad students
The Norwegian Association for Higher Education Institutions (UHR) The Norwegian Association for Higher Education Institutions was founded 8 May 2000 as a merger of the Norwegian Council of Universities (UR) and the Norwegian Council of State Colleges (HR). Established in 1977, the UHR was initiated by the member institutions themselves by extending the former Norwegian University Rectors’ Conference ( ) to an association of higher education institutions. As the state colleges in 1995 came under the same law as the universities, the HR was set up as a parallel to the university council. The Association is a member of the Nordic University Association (NUS) and of the European University Association (EUA). The Association assembles twice a year. An Executive Board is responsible for the activities. The President of the Association is Rector Gunnar Stave, University College of Volda.
Different tasks Interest of member institutions National coordination Project development Special tasks for the Ministry
Organization Chart - UHR Norwegian Association for Higher Education Institutions Executive Board Secretariat National Conference for Fac of Art Fac of Social Sciences Fac of Natural Sciences Fac of Law Fac of Dentistry Fac of Medicine National Council for Health and Social Work Edu Techer Education Engineering Education Business-Administrative Edu Professional Council for Psychology Education Pharmacy Education Industrial Design Education Administrative Commitee Research Committee Study Programme Committee Negociation Committee for Libraries Committee for Museums Publication Committee Gender in Research Calculation Committee
Funding formula Net budget from Government 2006 BasicEduc.Research ( New 07 ). Universities57%20%23% University colleges69%28%3% Private HEI51%42%7% + approx. 30% external funding A: NOK (13100 EUR): Medicin B: NOK (10000 EUR): Music, Architecture, Design C and D E: NOK (4100 EUR): Teachers F: NOK (3300 EUR): Social studies Bach.level
Research Priorities Energy research with the focus on hydrogen CO2 sequestration and new forms of energy Oil and gas-related research ICT, materials and nanotechnology, maritime technology Biological and biotechnology research, including genomic research, medical, epidemiological and health research Research on food quality and safety Marine research and technology, including the production of seafood Climate research Polar research and research related to the High North Research on sustainable development, economic growth, resource management and environmental impacts
Research Priorities cont. Social science research, including research on migration, multi-cultural societies, indigenous peoples and social evolution Research in the humanities, including research on North American culture Research on international politics, conflicts and peace processes Defense and terrorist-related research Space-related research, including satellite and telecommunications research