Create a Traffic Pattern with Traffic Groups City Pairs EGLL ENGM Traffic Groups: Each defines a set of City Pairs between which there is air traffic, i.e. representing traffic in a region CFMU data has been used as a basis for Traffic Groups
Flow Rates Traffic Group - Configuration (1) Traffic Group Outbound Flow, i.e. 32 flights, during hour 9 of a day. City Pairs The proportion of flights between EGLL and ENGM amongst all flights into or out of EGLL in the Traffic Group
Aircraft Types Traffic Group - Configuration (2) Callsigns The proportion of SAS callsigns amongst the other callsigns in the Traffic Group The proportion of Boeing s amongst all other aircraft types in the Traffic Group Grow Traffic Group Flow Rate Growth Factor, i.e. 1.5 = Increase by 50%
Configure Airspace to be Used Airways Waypoints Describe the airspace to the TSG, i.e. the waypoints and the airways
Example Flight Location of Aircraft Flight Route Flight DetailsSimulation Time Once traffic sample has been generated flights can be viewed, showing their route and timings
Traffic Situation at 09:48 Aircraft Locations The overall traffic situation at a point in time can also be viewed
Same Pattern / Multiple Samples Set a Random Number Stream Random number streams are used to generate different traffic samples from the same Traffic Pattern Description
Multiple Random Samples Random Stream = 1Random Stream = 10 Both samples are from the same Traffic Pattern Description at the same Simulation Time but were generated using different Random Streams
Other Scenarios - e.g. Larger Airspace Area Simulation Area Large areas of airspace can be defined
Other Scenarios - Example Simulation Area And traffic generated for a selected simulation area