Welcome, Spartan Parents! Please have a seat. We’ll start shortly. Terri Rollins connect.issaquah.wednet.edu/high/skyline/staff/ ms_rollins_site/default.aspx
A LITTLE ABOUT ME… Born and raised in South Florida Attended Florida State University with degrees in British Studies and English Education Moved to Seattle about 4 years ago from Texas Have also lived in New York and England This is my 13 th year teaching. I LOVE teaching IB classes! I’m a voracious reader, and my husband and are avid world travelers.
MY GOALS FOR YOUR STUDENT That he/she becomes a more independent literary critic and reader That he/she gains confidence both as a class participant and as a writer That he/she improves his/her ability to edit his/her own work That he/she continues learning to think about what the text is about and about how it works That he/she enjoys the works we read and becomes a part of the class community
IB LEARNER PROFILE: WHERE WE’D LIKE YOUR STUDENT TO BE AT THE END OF HIS/HER IB EDUCATION… Inquirers Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators Principled Open-minded Caring Courageous Balanced Reflective
MAJOR WORKS WE READ 1.Works in Translation: The Cherry Orchard - Chekhov The Reader - Schlink Poems by Pablo Neruda 2. The Novel: Pride and Prejudice - Austen To the Lighthouse - Woolf The Guide - Narayan Never Let Me Go - Ishiguro 3. Shakespeare : Twelfth Night
FIELD TRIP! Book-It’s production of Emma by Jane Austen At Seattle Center Tuesday, 12/8/15 Leave at 8ish; return at 2ish Cost: ~$20 Permission forms & more info. coming soon Please me if you’d be willing to chaperone!
PLEASE NOTE: Due to our tightly compressed schedule (needing to cover all course content by May 1 st ) and due to the level of knowledge needed by students to score well on the IB English exams (thus having the chance to earn college credit), students will have assigned readings over vacations. Volume 2 of Pride and Prejudice will be assigned over Winter Break and quizzed upon return to school. Students who prefer not to read over break will need to plan ahead to read these works in advance.
IB ASSESSMENTS January: Written Assignment (1, ,500 words) and a Reflective Statement ( words) on one of the Works in Translation May: IB Exams Paper 1 (Unseen Commentary) Paper 2 (Comparative Essay on 2 of the 4 Novels)
IB ASSESSMENTS I strongly encourage you to encourage your student take the exam…71% of our students scored 5 or above on the exam last year. No one scored below a 4 (passing). A 5 earns 5 credits at UW A 4 earns 10 credits at Western plus exemption from English 101 A 4 earns 6 credits at WSU
EXAM INFO MEETING September 22, 7-8 PM, Lyceum Theater Contact Mrs. Lund for more info.
WE WILL ALSO WORK ON: 1.The college essay 2.Comparative essays 3.Timed writing 4.Editing skills 5.Literary commentary on poetry & prose 6.Oral presentation skills
Students should regularly visit… My website for homework assignments & other vital resources Family Access to track their progress
HOW YOU CAN HELP YOUR STUDENTS Understand the workload, pressures, & stress of 1 st semester and support your student as necessary Encourage your student to keep at it through 2 nd semester Encourage your student to talk to me if he/she is struggling
SHS Standard Grading Scale % A % A % B % B % B % C % C % C % D % D % D- 59 – below F Grading Categories Major assignments & tests: 40% Homework & quizzes: 30% Participation: 20% Final exam: 10%
Thanks for coming! I’m excited to work with you and your student during this exciting year!