2009 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Report Institutional Research & Information November 18, 2009
Points to Cover Response Rates What is NSSE? Benchmarks UVU’s strengths & weaknesses Comparison of NSSE with FSSE (Faculty Survey of Student Engagement Comparison of NSSE with FSSE (Faculty Survey of Student Engagement Comparisons between UVU colleges
Response Rate 2009 – First Year Students – 32% (812) 2008 response rate – 18% (200) Peer response rates ranged from 20% - 26% – Seniors – 47% (1,180) 2008 response rate – 31% (569) Peer response rates ranged from 29% - 37%
UVU Colleges School of the Arts (ART) Woodbury School of Business (BUS) School of Education (EDU) College of Humanities and Social Science (HSS) College of Science and Health (SCI) College of Technology and Computing (TCH) University College (UNI)
Responders by College First Year /Freshman StudentsSeniors % of Responders% of UVU% of Responders% of UVU ART6.5%7.3%5.6%5.5% BUS12.8%10.0%18.4%23.1% EDU3.8%6.3%4.6%7.7% HSS12.3%13.7%17.9%18.3% SCI6.9%7.4%17.4%16.7% TCH23.5%20.0%32.1%27.1% UNI34.1%35.5%4.0%1.5% Total100.0% Based on Spring enrollment, Freshman are equated with First Year students.
What is NSSE? National Survey of Student Engagement – Collects information annually from samples of first-year and senior students about the nature and quality of their undergraduate experience. – Introduced in 1999, nearly 1400 baccalaureate- granting colleges & universities in the U.S. and Canada have participated, including 8 in Utah.
Data Groups UVU 2008 UVU 2009 UVU Peers – Selected Peers for 2009 Carnegie-Engaged – Selected Carnegie-Engaged institutions for 2009 Bacc/Assoc College – Selected Bacc/Assoc institutions for 2009 NSSE 2009 Median
NSSE Benchmark Categories Level of Academic Challenge (LAC) Active and Collaborative Learning (ACL) Student-Faculty Interaction (SFI) Enriching Educational Experiences (EEE) Supportive Campus Environment (SCE)
First Year Students NSSE Benchmark Scores
Seniors NSSE Benchmark Scores
First Year Students Student Faculty Interaction
Seniors Student Faculty Interaction
FSSE Scores For These Items Percentage of Instructors who said that half or more of their students did the following:
FSSE, NSSE and Research 56% of Lower Division instructors and 67% of Upper Division instructors indicated that having students work on research projects with faculty outside of class is ‘Important’ or ‘Very Important’. Compare to 13% of Seniors and 5% of First Year students who have done research with faculty outside of class.
First Year Students Course Work Emphasizes
Seniors Course Work Emphasizes
First Year Students % that were assigned 5 or more written papers or reports
Seniors % that were assigned 5 or more written papers or reports
First Year Students % that were assigned 3 or more problem sets in a class
Seniors % that were assigned 3 or more problem sets in a class
First Year Students To what extent did the examinations challenge you to do your best work? VERY LITTLEVERY MUCH
Seniors To what extent did the examinations challenge you to do your best work? VERY LITTLEVERY MUCH
First Year Students Student Satisfaction
Seniors Student Satisfaction
Internal Comparison (2009 Only) School of the Arts (ART Woodbury School of Business (BUS) School of Education (EDU) College of Humanities and Social Science (HSS) College of Science and Health (SCI) College of Technology and Computing (TCH) University College (UNI) UVU (ALL)
Respondent Counts by College CollegeFirst YearSeniorsTotal ART BUS EDU HSS SCI TCH UNI ALL
Full Time vs Part Time Students
First Year vs Seniors
Benchmark Scores by Sex
Responders by College First Year /Freshman StudentsSeniors % of Responders% of UVU% of Responders% of UVU ART6.5%7.3%5.6%5.5% BUS12.8%10.0%18.4%23.1% EDU3.8%6.3%4.6%7.7% HSS12.3%13.7%17.9%18.3% SCI6.9%7.4%17.4%16.7% TCH23.5%20.0%32.1%27.1% UNI34.1%35.5%4.0%1.5% Total100.0% Based on Spring enrollment, Freshman are equated with First Year students.
NSSE Benchmarks – First Year
NSSE Benchmarks - Seniors
Course Work Emphasis – First Year % answering that their coursework emphasizes this aspect ‘Quite a bit’ or ‘Very Much’.
Course Work Emphasis – Seniors % answering that their coursework emphasizes this aspect ‘Quite a bit’ or ‘Very Much’.
Inclusiveness– First Year % answering that their coursework emphasizes this aspect ‘Quite a bit’ or ‘Very Much’. % answering in agreement
Inclusiveness– Seniors % answering that their coursework emphasizes this aspect ‘Quite a bit’ or ‘Very Much’. % answering in agreement
Overall Satisfaction – First Year Good or Excellent Probably/Definitely
Overall Satisfaction – Seniors Good or Excellent Probably/Definitely
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