Took Office: April 30, 1789 Left Office: March 4, 1797 Party: None
Constructed by Marissa Schreiber
Washington as a young boy Washington as a young man A young soldier
Washington being inaugurated
George WashingtonJohn Adams PresidentVice President
The Whiskey Rebellion
Jay’s Treaty
Farewell Address
Mount Rushmore
Nation’s Capital
Image: matrix of presidents - c1.jpghttp:// c1.jpg Image: President Obama - Audio introduction: Ruffles and Flourishes - Hail to the Chief Image of George Washington on slide 3 picture.htmhttp:// picture.htm Information on slide 3 Images on Slide 5: Washington as a child- Washington as a young man- Washington as a military man- ge-washington-1782-painting.jpg ge-washington-1782-painting.jpg Images on Slide 6: Washington and wife- content/uploads/2008/09/gazsh0019-washingtons.jpg content/uploads/2008/09/gazsh0019-washingtons.jpg Images on Slide 7: Signing the Declaration of Independence- The Declaration of Independence- Images on Slide 8: 100% sign- Picture of Washington-
Images on Slide 9: Washington being inaugurated- Bill of Rights- Images on Slide 10: Washington- John Adams Images on Slide 11: Washington and crowd- Images on Slide 12: Jay’s Treaty- Picture of Great Britain- Images on Slide 13: Farewell Address- Washington speaking- Images on Slide 14: Dollar Bill- large.jpg Coin- large.jpg Images on Slide 15: Mount Rushmore- ount-rushmore.jpeg ount-rushmore.jpeg Images on Slide 16: