Welcome and time use data orientation Gretchen Donehower NTA Time Use and Gender Workshop Tuesday, October 23, 2012 Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de la República Montevideo, Uruguay
Outline 1.Workshop goals 2.NTA and NTTA 3.Overview of NTTA estimation strategy 4.What data are necessary? What data do you have? – Applies to both regular NTA by sex and NTTA (National Time Transfer Accounts) by sex 5.Time use survey and wage data discussion 6.Estimating NTTA production profile from time use surveys
Workshop Goals Introduce methodology behind age profiles of production and consumption of time by sex – Both time and money units – Full methodology details are on the NTA wiki Review NTA labor income and consumption age profile methodology by sex Discuss strategy for computing other NTA and NTTA age profiles – Transfers, asset-based reallocations
NTA and NTTA National Transfer Accounts (NTA) – Linked to national accounts at the macro level – Measures market goods and services National Time Transfer Accounts (NTTA) – Measures economically productive activities not measured in national accounts – Terminology not well defined Household production (but can be done outside of household) Unpaid work (but some unpaid work is already in national accounts) Time use (but time is also spent in market activities
NTTA Estimation Strategy Production – Get available time use survey, learn to use it – Identify time spent on 11 different household productive activities – Compute age- and sex-specific average time spent in those productive activities – Find appropriate wages to impute for 11 activities Consumption – Impute age and sex of consumption based on household members’ age and sex – Compute age- and sex-specific average time consumed – Use same imputed wages as for production to value consumption in monetary terms
Example, US 2009, Time Production
Example, US 2009 NTTA Consumption in Time Units
Example, US 2009 NTTA in Money Units
Data for NTA by Sex 1.National account data (for computing macro controls) – Only computed for total population (no controls by sex) 2.Household survey – Nationally representative – Includes income and consumption (although some countries use different surveys for different profiles) – Has household roster by age and sex (and other categories of interest) 3.Administrative or other supplementary age shape data 4.Population Data – By age and sex
Data for NTTA by Sex 1.No international standard for household production accounts (i.e. nothing similar to SNA) – But in development, so your country may have an estimate 2.Time use survey – Nationally representative – Complete household roster by age and sex – Same time period as NTA estimates, if possible – Sample represents a calendar year 3.Wage data – Results of national survey of wages by occupation – If not available, can use NTA household survey if sufficiently detailed occupation data is included and survey is large enough 4.Population data (same as for NTA)
Time Use Survey Questionnaire 1.When is the year of your time use survey? 2.During what months was the time use recorded? 3.How many respondents are there in the survey? 4.Is it nationally representative, or just for a sub-region or group in the country? 5.What time period are respondents asked to account for (e.g. one day, one week)? 6.How many time respondents per household? (Some surveys have only one time respondent per household, some survey all adults, some survey all hh members.) 7.Do you know the age and sex of others in the time respondents’ households (i.e. do you have a full household roster by age and sex)? 8.Do you need a survey weight variable to generate accurate age-sex group means? 9.Can respondents indicate multiple, simultaneous activities (i.e. “multi-tasking”)? 10.Do the hours in a day add up to 24 for each respondent, or is it possible for people to answer so that they account for more or less than 24 hours in a day? 11.For childcare activity variables, is there an age range specified for the children? 12.Similarly for elder- or adult care variables, is there an age range specified? 13.Have you located in the documentation a complete list of all the possible activities accounted for in your time use survey, with their coding scheme?
NTTA Production Age Profile Find time use survey’s coding scheme for activities Identify NTTA productive activities in coding scheme – Not already included in national accounts So market production is NOT included Unpaid family labor that generates market income is not included, even if the person who did the work did not get paid – Satisfies third party criterion You could pay someone else to do it for you Leisure, education, and many self-care activities do NOT satisfy this criterion Group NTTA productive activities into 11 categories For time-based NTTA production profile, calculate age- and sex- average time spent in each category
Groups of NTTA Activities 1.Cleaning 2.Laundry (includes sewing and clothing repair) 3.Cooking (food and drink preparation) 4.Household maintenance and repair 5.Lawn and garden care 6.Household management (incl. finances, scheduling, coordinating, and related telephone calls) 7.Pet care (not veterinary care) 8.Purchasing goods and services 9.Childcare ** 10.Eldercare and care outside the home (includes volunteering) ** 11.Travel (related to care activities and purchasing goods and services) ** Needs to be divided into variables for care in household versus outside household