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TB PAN-NET Project: goals, role of ERS, what we expect from you Rosella Centis
TB PAN-NET: Pan‐European network for study and clinical management of drug resistant tuberculosis European consortium of 27 expert partners in the field of drug resistant tuberculosis. Funded by the European Commission (FP7) Duration: from January 2009 to December 2013 The aim is to coordinate activities to limit the spread of MDR strains by supporting high quality epidemiological and molecular analysis as well as training on MDR-TB. Consortium outputs will assist governments in the development and implementation of appropriate health and social policies to limit and control the spread of MDR-TB within the member states of the EU.
Structure The project is built around eight different work packages: WP1: Molecular epidemiology of drug-resistant strains in selected metropolitan settings in Western and Eastern Europe WP2: Characterization of novel mutations involved in drug-resistant phenotype and virulence markers WP3: Development and standardization of EQA for drug-resistant TB and expansion of capability for culture-based and molecular-based techniques for drug-resistant TB WP4: Development of integrated sites for clinical and diagnostic trials of new drug applications, new diagnostics, and development of markers for treatment success, and identify clinical and social factors, including HIV as markers of resistance WP5: Training on TB clinical management, control and research (FSM) WP6: TBNET: Clinical research on TB drug-resistance in Europe WP7: Dissemination and information sharing (ERS) WP8: Management
Work Package 5 – Goal & Objectives Goal: Provide quality education and training on TB DR and in particular MDR-TB for TB managers and Western and Eastern European clinicians in order to develop the human resources on TB and thus curb the drug-resistant TB epidemic mainly by using available tools. Objectives: 1.Develop a set of modules and materials based on international standards and requirements and revise them after field testing 2.Conduct training courses for managers of national /sub-national TB and TB/HIV programmes, agencies and NGOs involved in MDR-TB programmes in EU with special focus on Eastern European countries and globally. 3.Educate and train European respiratory clinicians and specialists on state-of-the-art management and control of MDR- and XDR-TB on the basis of the materials and modules from Objective 1 (in collaboration with ERS)
WP5: objective 3 Task: Organize in collaboration with the ERS School training targeting mainly respiratory clinicians and specialists dealing with TB-patients in Eastern Europe and former Soviet countries using different methodologies and modalities : – ERS External School courses – ERS School Seminars – ERS Postgraduate Courses on MDR- and XDR-TB The courses are based on the MDR/XDR modules and materials developed by FSM easily adaptable to different settings
ERS PG course on “Training of Trainers” (ToT) For the first time ERS will train facilitators to be used in ERS PG courses, External School courses and seminars. This will allow delivering a quality and standardized training relying on a pool of qualified facilitators.
Why the Training of Trainers session? Availability of an adequate number of specifically trained human resources is a key point to ensure management and control of TB DR and in particular MDR-TB The goal of this session is to prepare 25 tuberculosis trainers who will train medical doctors from Eastern Europe and former Soviet countries Trainings for medical doctors to fight with MDR-TB will be organised by the ERS in collaboration with local societies Trained medical doctors will be able to carry out quality medical practice in their countries and to train others in how DR-patient management should be done ToT course is giving tips on how to deliver an effective presentation by using standardized materials with added value (presentations personalised modifying up to 20% of the slides)
This initiative is Supervised by the ERS School of Respiratory Medicine. and coordinated with: the European Diploma in Respiratory Medicine (Hermes project) the ERS MD PhD programme in Respiratory Science the ERS series of online CME modules
Map of participants
Role of ERS ERS is the partner to organise ToTs ERS is leading WP 7 (information dissemination and sharing): – TB symposium – Website – Newsletters – Press-conferences – Assist with PGs, seminars, courses....
What we expect from you To be willing to participate as a speaker/facilitator in the ERS School courses around the EU at least once a year (maximum twice) until 2014 To be able to replicate the course without the support of TB PAN-NET and ERS To train people in your countries based on standardized material of ToT
How is the ToT conducted? The TB PAN-NET Project (WP 5) has developed a competence- based training package composed of 3 Manuals (Participant, facilitator and course director including 3 Parts and 28 Units). One of these Units is specifically addressing MDR- /XDR-TB. The core of this Unit has been mailed to you before the training. You have been given instructions on how to personalize it, adding up to 20% of slides. What slides may you want to add? These slides may include pictures and animations you are familiar with, as well as studies/reports than you feel are useful to focus your presentation to a specific country and/or audience.
The ToT will have the following scheme The rational and background for it will be provided Some tips on how to deliver an effective presentation will be suggested The structure of the MDR/XDR-TB presentation will be summarized An example of personalized presentation will be provided by a ERS speaker Some examples of personalized presentations will be provided by ToT participants, followed by plenary discussion