-Review Intro to Consumer Health, Health Care Facilities and Health Care Providers -Health Insurance Article Consumer Health Unit Objectives: -TSWBAT review material from the past three class meetings and begin to apply it to understanding health insurance terms. -TSWBAT analyze a newspaper article of their choice about citizens in situations who need medical attention without health insurance by completing a fishbone summary and meeting with students who read the same article to discuss concerns about health insurance in the USA.
Review (10 min. – return work and review content) What is Consumer Health? Why to we have rights as a consumer? Can you name some products or services (examples) that use consumer rights? Health Care Facilities: – Which facilities are the most expensive to use? – Why do facilities and doctors change names often? Health care Providers: – Which ones need the most schooling? The least? – What are some medical schools and teaching hospitals in our area?
Article Read Directions: (20-25 min.) 1.Choose one of the eight articles offered – – Do not write or highlight anything on the article – Place the # & letter on the top right corner of your fishbone worksheet (ex. = 2B) 2.Read the article – – Look for the main ideas and problems… – What did you learn? 3. Fishbone – – Complete every section of the fishbone – You do not have to write in complete sentences for the fishbone but you do for the back page
EXIT TICKET On post-it note provided, please write down one of the following: 1.A question you have about health insurance after reading the article today in class 2.A concern you had after reading the article today in class 3.A comment about health insurance in the USA – what would you like to learn more about?! DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME ON THE POST