Effective Software Delivery for Telecom Senthilkumar Samidurai Enterprise Architecture Lead, Rational Software IBM India/ SA
Smarter Telecom addresses three key issues IBM Telecom Frameworks: Bridging the gap between business & IT Data Management for Telecom Networks: Fault and Performance Management Effective Software Delivery for Telecom Access the information you need - anytime, anywhere Optimizing Business Processes using Filenet BPM Customer Churn & Insight for Telecommunications Dynamic Business Process Management for CSPs DIFFERENTIATE THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE ENABLING NEW BUSINESS MODELS IMPROVE OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCIES
Today’s Business Challenges Economic Issues Core product (Voice) is being commoditized Cost / complexity of new services Widening Field of Competitors New market entrants from other industries Convergence Is spawning “Telemedia” Industry Monitor AND manage services end user experience quality Accelerate the business models Differentiate the customer experience Operational and Network Efficiencies Relevant facts (FYI): $26B 2008 IT marketing opportunity growing at 4.6% from 2007-11 US economy is the largest, however the market has cooled WW growth is projected to outpace US Growth Retail growth is coming from non-traditional markets such as China, India and Russia By 2011 China is expected to surpass UK, Germany and France to become the 3rd largest retail market Forces driving change consolidation, globalization, new business models, emerging markets, consumer fragmentation and empowerment, social responsibility and emerging technology Defend Market Share and Grow New Revenues Subscriber Expectations Demand for multimedia, services and content Quick to abandon underperforming services Quickly / cost effectively roll out new products Move to lower-cost IP networks while maintaining service quality, brand image and profitability
CEO Business Model Question What are my differentiating capabilities and new growth platforms ? The communications service provider operating model can be described by its major components which can in turn be selected to drive strategic differentiation and growth: Having made major investments in next-generation network and IT systems, now create new revenue streams by rapidly delivering innovative new products, offering an enhanced user experience
Points of pain seen across the Communications Industry “34% of software projects are deemed successful costing $300B annually” “50% of outsourced projects are expected to under perform” 30% of project costs are due to rework and poor execution of requirements” “49% of budgets suffer overruns and 62% fail to meet their scheduled” Growing focus on business outcomes Product Ideation Product Concept Product Launch Profitable Operations takes too long, costs too much and lacks sufficient quality (QoS, end user experience) due to – poor communication and coordination among a large (and growing) number of internal and external (e.g., Tier 1 suppliers) stakeholders/role players cross-functional, geographically-distributed value chains complex, “system of systems” scenarios (e.g., large-scale, horizontal integration is required for successful delivery of converged communications applications) reusable assets; shifting product portfolio priorities; complex testing scenarios; etc. ineffective, inconsistently-applied, and poorly-managed quality management and product implementation processes that lack agility and sufficient automation; do not adequately incorporate modern best practices (SOA, UML2, IMS, NGOSS, SAF, etc.); and do not scale to support highly-effective governance of -- closed product delivery platforms and cumbersome policies that deter 3rd-party innovators complex/inflexible/stovepiped network and IT system architectures that dramatically slow down product delivery cycles Sources (1) CHAOS Chronicles v12.3.9, The Standish Group, June 30, 2008.Airbus from Business Week -- http://yahoo.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/oct2006/gb20061005_846432.htm (2) BusinessWeek January 12,2004, Shifting Work Offshore? Outsourcer Beware” -- based on Gartner survey of 219 clients who outsourced projects offshore & domestically – half are expecting to fail to deliver anticipated savings. (3) "Corporate Software Development Fails To Satisfy On Speed Or Quality", Forrester Research, Inc., 2005. Product Ideation → Product Concept → Product Launch → Profitable Operations takes too long, costs too much and lacks sufficient quality
A maturing approach to managing software delivery Transform Information Technology Modernize Enterprise Assets Differentiate Products Efficiency Control Business Value Software investment management aligned with business and operational priorities Predictable governance and asset utilization Global effectiveness and collaboration Our maturity model for improving software delivery includes four dimensions of improvement: Individuals can gain control and improve productivity through automation and tools Teams can improve their efficiencies through more effective collaboration Organizations can exploit efficiencies and controls to deliver business value. Lines of Business can satisfy customers, shareholders and employees with better economic results Productivity through automation Optimizing software “supply chains” Individual Team Organization Business
Invest across the spectrum of improvement to manage risks and optimize business outcomes Improve Automation Improve Collaboration Improve Process Increase Flexibility & Investment Value Cost to Implement: <5% Very predictable Productivity: 5-25% Timeframe = Days Cost to Implement: 5%-10% Predictable Productivity: 15-35% Timeframe = Weeks Cost to Implement: 10%-35% Some culture change Productivity: 25-100% Timeframe = Months Cost to Implement: 25%-50% Much culture change Productivity: 2x – 10x Timeframe = Years Business Value ECONOMIC IMPACTS Efficiency We have been compiling best practices and economic improvement experiences for years. This graphic summarizes the rough ranges of productivity impact and timeframes associated with many of the more common initiatives that IBM is investing in and delivering every day across the software industry. The impact on productivity typically affects only a subset of project and organization populations—they require savvy tailoring to put them into a specific context. We have been careful to present ranges and probability distributions to ensure that it is clear that “your mileage may vary.” There is a range of incremental improvements that can be achieved and there is a general hierarchy of impact. The more significant improvements, like systematic reduction in complexity, increased flexibility and major process transformations, also require the more significant investments and time to implement. These tend to be broader organizational initiatives. The more incremental process improvements, skill improvements, and automation improvements targeted at individual teams, projects, or smaller organizations are more predictable and straightforward to deploy. Improvements in each dimension have significant returns on investment. Source: Based on hundreds of client interactions of the IBM Rational Services Organization, as observed by VP Services, IBM Rational Control Individual Team Organization Business Implementation costs are per person per year
Enabled by the Rational Software Delivery Platform & Ecosystem Transform Information Technology Modernize Enterprise Assets Deliver Smarter Products Business Planning & Alignment Product & Project Management Compliance & Security Collaborative Lifecycle Management In order to execute software delivery as a business process, Rational provides a rich series of capabilities that are delivered as part of a collaborative and integrated software delivery platform – powered by Jazz – and is supported by proven best practice processes and an entire ecosystem of IBM and partner capabilities… Design & Development Best Practice Processes Rational Software Delivery Platform powered by
Orchestrated in a workflow to dramatically improve the process of software delivery …and orchestrated in a workflow between all stakeholders to improve the process of software delivery. This is what makes Rational’s solution powerful and differentiated…
IBM is a leader in the industry’s foremost standards body, the TeleManagement Forum (TMF) The TeleManagement Forum (TM Forum) provides leadership, strategic guidance, and practical solutions to improve the management and operation of information and communications services. Its standards are being adopted by the UN body, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). The TMF work products include the eTOM (enhanced Telecom Operations Map), SID (Shared Information Model), and TAM (Telecom Application Map) IBM plays a leading role in the TMF at all levels: Elected to TMF Board of Directors Elected to TMF Advisory Council Leadership, membership, and authors in variety of working groups, including service quality management, eTOM, TMF Benchmarking, TAM, SID Spearheaded new Business Metrics Framework, recently launched at TMW Orlando Participation in multiple Catalyst projects – multi-company demonstrations of TMF concepts Strong presence at major TeleManagement World Events in Nice and Orlando. 10 TMForum website 10
NGOSS Solution from IBM The OSS products are designed to support a defined set of eTOM business processes The OSS products utilize SID concepts appropriate to the eTOM process domains that they are designed to support eTOM IBM NGOSS Solution TAM SID TNA Clearly defined mapping of the OSS products to the TAM applications assists clients in selecting the appropriate product to support their business. The SOA add-on in SA can support TNA and simplifies NGOSS component integration
IBM Unified Service Creation Environment Product mapping for SPDE 3 IBM Unified Service Creation Environment Product mapping for SPDE 3.0 Service Innovation and Service Creation Service Concept & Definition Service Development Service Deployment Service Design Service Testing Rational Application Developer Rational Focal Point Rational System Architect Rational Performance Tester Rational Build Forge Rational Requirements Composer WebSphere Integration Developer Rational Functional Tester Rational Software Architect Tivoli Composite Application Manager Rational Service Tester for SOA Quality Rational Rhapsody IBM Mashup Center InfoSphere Data Architect Tivoli Netcool / Maximo Lotus Expeditor Toolkit Rational AppScan WebSphere Business Modeler Rational PurifyPlus NGOSS (eTOM, SID, TAM), IMS, SIP, Parlay X and GSMA OneAPI modeling IMS, SIP, Parlay X, GSMA OneAPI, Voice XML, JAIN, J2xE, Net, smartphones IMS and legacy service management SIP, Parlay X, GSMA OneAPI testing eTOM support A view with tool names mapped to the lifecycle phases Rational Method Composer with RUP for 3G/4G Apps, Rational Quality Manager, Rational Project Conductor, Rational ClearCase/ClearQuest, Rational Team Concert, Rational RequisitePro/DOORS, Rational Insight, Rational Asset Manager Smarter Product Delivery Lifecycle Management Open technology & community innovation (e.g. Jazz, Eclipse) Vendor Tooling extensions Customer Extensions
Selected Success Stories Communications Industry Summary Strategic Initiative Software Development Discipline Customer Solution Value Improved time to market by 50 percent Achieved estimated savings of US$2 million per year Change and Release Management Time to market Increased customer satisfaction levels, enabling the company to win a key contracts and process improvements Customer Satisfaction Process and Automated Software Quality Decrease development cost and time-to-market. Provide enhanced risk management for 3rd party development Reduce IT Costs Process, Requirements & Change Management Reduced time and effort to submit, track and make changes to customer service applications by 60 percent Optimize BSS Development Process & Portfolio Management Development increased by 25%, able to meet government regulations within 15 days Governance and Risk Management Compliance
Globe Telecom Gaining tactical agility with smarter promotions The Need: Globe Telecom, the number two provider of mobile communications services in the Philippines, realized that it needed to reach a new level of agility in the creation and management of promotional service offerings, if the company was to thrive in its intensely competitive market. The Solution: IBM and Nokia Siemens Networks designed and built a SOA-based service creation and delivery platform that enables Globe to rapidly and cost-effectively create service offerings from reusable service components. Hundreds of simultaneous targeted promotions, enabled by the integration of customer intelligence, behavior segmentation, profit simulation and promotion execution drive revenue improvement and are delivered through an integrated and automated solution. What Makes it Smarter: Leveraging information gathered from handsets, Globe is able to identify the optimal service promotion for each customer—and the best time to deliver it. Expected one-year payback period and more than 95% reduction in time and cost of developing new promotions 600% increase in promotion effectiveness “We can react very quickly to promotional opportunities when they arise. Just as important, we can detect in near real time whether the mechanics of our promotion are working—and if they’re not, we can change them almost instantly.” — Mario Domingo, Head of Product Design and Creation, Globe Telecom Globe Telecom Gaining tactical agility with smarter promotions The Need: Globe Telecom, the number two provider of mobile communications services in the Philippines, realized that it needed to reach a new level of agility in the creation and management of promotional service offerings, if the company was to thrive in its intensely competitive market, . The Solution: In a joint engagement, IBM and Nokia Siemens Networks designed and built a SOA-based service creation and delivery platform that enables Globe to rapidly and cost-effectively create service offerings from reusable service components. Using the new platform—known as the Toolbox—Globe developed a smart incentive promotion that records new customers instantly at the point of sale by capturing information within an activation text message sent by the customer. The message not only captures the identity of the retailer, but also automatically provisions the promotional service package for the customer. Most importantly for the retailer, receipt of incentive payments from Globe is nearly immediate, which is probably the biggest reason that the new retailer promotion model yielded a greater than 600 percent increase in sales, as compared with 15 percent under the older promotion model. The efficiency of the Toolbox solution derives from its ability to create libraries of reusable service assets, which can then be assembled into composite service offerings. In creating new services, Globe’s developers use IBM Rational® Application Developer for WebSphere® and Rational Software Architect to help simplify the design, development and deployment of new promotions and services, while IBM Rational Performance Tester, Rational Functional Tester and Rational Service Tester for SOA Quality help staff to identify the presence and cause of system performance bottlenecks, automate functional and regression testing and improve the quality of Web service-based SOA applications. Globe is able to drive revenue improvement from hundreds of simultaneous targeted promotions, which are enabled by the integration of customer intelligence, behavior segmentation, profit simulation and promotion execution--all delivered through an integrated and automated solution. What Makes it Smarter: Leveraging information gathered from handsets, Globe is able to identify the optimal service promotion for each customer—and the best time to deliver it. Expected one-year payback period and more than 95% reduction in time and cost of developing new promotions 600% increase in promotion effectiveness Usage level: Win/Ongoing project/Completed project: External Completed project Industry : Telecommunications Solution components: IBM® Service Provider Delivery Environment (SPDE) Framework IBM WebSphere® IBM Tivoli® IBM Rational® 14
Change and Release Management TTI Telecom Reducing cost and accelerating development with IBM Rational® ClearCase® software Improved efficiencies in build and release management Accelerated global development in a 24×7 environment Improved time to market by 50 percent Achieved estimated savings of US$2 million per year “IBM Rational ClearCase helps us optimize two of our most important resources—time and employee productivity.” __________________________________ Arieh Shalem, director of corporate quality management, TTI Telecom Last updated: 8/19/04 TTI Telecom provides Operations Support Systems (OSS) and Business Support Systems (BSS) to telecommunications service providers. This includes world-class network and service management products and solutions that enable their customers to streamline operations and effectively manage networks and services. Despite their strong position in the industry, a recent downturn in the telecommunications market increased the competitive pressures facing TTI Telecom. This forced the company to look for innovative ways to reduce costs and beat their competitors to market by accelerating development. The company specifically wanted to address inefficiencies in their build and management processes. Arieh Shalem, Director of Corporate Quality Management at TTI Telecom, worked with a small team to create an Automatic Build Management System (ABMS) that has IBM Rational ClearCase at its core. The results have been exceptional. ABMS and Rational ClearCase have cut build times down from 2 days to less than 2 hours, substantially shortening release times across applications. Rational ClearCase has also enabled TTI Telecom to support multiple development environments. This includes supporting 400 development team members across 7 sites and 2 continents, working on disparate platforms across a wide range of languages and technologies. The improved productivity achieved through parallel development across geographic boundaries and by enabling 24x7 development has helped TTI Telecom to build and release software applications more quickly and with consistently high quality. With all the time-savings that ABMS and Rational ClearCase provide, TTI Telecom has been able to accelerate development by more than 50% -- effectively cutting their time to market in half. And through reduced build/release times and accelerated development, TTI Telecom estimates that this solution will save them $2 million per year. In the words of Arieh Shalem, Director of Corporate Quality Management at TTI Telecom, “IBM Rational ClearCase helps us optimize two of our most important resources—time and employee productivity.”
Change and release management Verizon Business Improving software development governance, quality and customer satisfaction with the IBM Rational® Software Delivery Platform Established a proven, repeatable development methodology based on the IBM Rational Unified Process® methodology Used components of the IBM Rational Software Delivery Platform to create automated functional and regression tests Reduced costs by more than US$75,000 on a single project Increased customer satisfaction levels, enabling the company to win a key contract extension “By providing our development teams with a common platform from which to analyze, design, develop and test, IBM Rational solutions have created opportunities to improve the quality of our software as well as our organization.” _________________________________ Douglas Cook, senior quality assurance specialist, Verizon Business Verizon Business Improves Software Development Governance, Quality, and Customer Satisfaction with the IBM Rational Software Development Platform http://www-306.ibm.com/software/success/cssdb.nsf/CS/WJBN-72NL79?OpenDocument&Site=rational&cty=en_us Published on: 27 Apr 2007 “Our teams are seeing that if you follow the process you need fewer iterations; and people see that when things go smoothly everything goes faster. Although we are just starting to capture numbers on productivity, I believe we have seen a substantial increase. By providing our development teams with a common platform from which to analyze, design, develop, and test, IBM Rational solutions have created opportunities to improve the quality of our software as well as our organization,” - Douglas Cook, Senior Quality Assurance Specialist at Verizon Business. Customer: Verizon Business Deployment Country: United States Industry: Telecommunications Overview As one of the three operating units of Verizon Communications, Inc., Verizon Business is a leading provider of advanced communications and information technology (IT) solutions to large business and government customers worldwide. The unit’s Application Solutions group offers next generation e-government solutions, leveraging one of the world's largest Internet backbones and more than 100 high-speed fiber-optic networks. Business need: Using disparate tools and lacking a consistent development process, Verizon Business found it difficult to consistently deliver systems that fully met customer needs and expectations. The development team needed a repeatable process and an integrated development platform to support the entire development lifecycle. Solution: Verizon Business adopted the IBM Rational Software Development Platform and established a proven, repeatable development methodology based on IBM Rational Unified Process, or RUP. Benefits: The group is better able to govern its software and systems development. Applications are passing user acceptance testing at higher rates, than on a recent project. Test automation has reduced costs by more than $75,000 on a single project. Customer satisfaction has increased, enabling the company to win a key contract extension. Case Study As one of the three operating units of Verizon Communications, Inc., Verizon Business is a leading provider of advanced communications and information technology (IT) solutions to large business and government customers worldwide. The unit’s Application Solutions group offers next generation e-government solutions, leveraging one of the world's largest Internet backbones and more than 100 high-speed fiber-optic networks. Application Solutions has developed a number of successful and specialized e-government application solutions for law enforcement, vehicle inspection and hunting and fishing licenses. The group’s Web-enabled Wildlife Data Systems have been implemented by several state governments and account for more than four million transactions per month on average. These successes are due, in part, to a transformation of the group’s development process which enabled the company to address several challenges that hampered the team’s ability to consistently deliver quality solutions that met customer needs. “In the past, customer satisfaction was an issue because the quality of our deliveries did not always meet customer expectations or the standards which we regularly meet today. We had some late deliveries which affected our ability to win contract extensions. And, any successes that we did have were not easily repeatable, because we lacked an established process,” recalls Douglas Cook, Senior Quality Assurance Specialist at Verizon Business. In addition to lacking a repeatable process, there were several other technical challenges that Verizon Business wanted to address. Cook continues, “At the time there were a number of different cultures with in our software development team. Everyone was working differently, using different methods and different tools – some were home grown utilities, some were freeware. Another problem was geographic separation; at the time our team was in multiple locations. There was no common development platform and collaboration was difficult. Defects were tracked in spreadsheets, and nobody was sure where the requirements were. It was, at times, a chaotic environment.” Recognizing the need for more effective governance of its software and systems development, Verizon Business implemented the IBM Rational Software Development Platform, including integrated solutions for requirements management, visual modeling, software asset management, defect and change tracking, and automated testing. “We needed repeatable process and a unifying platform that we could use to develop applications, version source code, write test plans, manage defects -- the whole lifecycle – and IBM Rational provided everything we needed,” notes Cook. Starting with Requirements The Verizon Business team started by addressing one of their most pressing needs first. “One of our main challenges in being able to consistently deliver quality applications on-time was that we did not have a mechanism that enabled us to test against customer requirements. That is where we started,” says Cook. “In the past, we did not have an established way to elicit and manage customer requirements, so our development team would build what they thought the customer wanted.” Today, when a customer proposal is accepted, the team creates a high level customer vision document that clearly defines what they will do contractually. Requirements analysts then use IBM Rational RequisitePro to elicit requirements and define business rules and use cases for the system the team will build. The vision document and requirements are all versioned with IBM Rational ClearCase, which the team uses throughout development for management and control of software development assets. Once the requirements are established, the project manager meets with the project’s lead developer, tester, and requirements analyst to define the scope of the first build. Cook continues, “From that point, the designers access the requirements in Rational RequisitePro and begin creating a design document. In parallel, our testing team uses Rational RequisitePro to begin building test cases based upon those requirements. After the release and tests have been developed, we run the tests and then either return for another build or send that build out for user acceptance testing.” To complement the textual description of use cases in Rational RequisitePro, the requirements team models use cases with IBM Rational Rose Developer for Java. The design team also uses Rational Rose Developer to develop an architecture of the system in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Developers then leverage these models to code applications. “In the past, our designers would sometimes get too involved in the development. Now, we have a process; by separating design from coding the entire team is able collaborate more effectively. For example, as a tester if I only get business rules or use cases, my test cases cannot be as deep because the requirements are not as detailed as I need them. But if I have a design document and models, it tells me exactly how they are going to build it, and I can use that to develop better test cases,” says Cook. He adds, “Rational Rose has provided our business with a number of advantages. It helps communicate the needs of the business to our technical team, and it enables the design, development and quality assurance teams to communicate using a common language. Rational Rose provides a common tool platform for all of our designers.” The team links requirements in Rational RequisitePro to test cases in IBM Rational TestManager. Tight integration between the two products enables the Verizon Business development team to trace requirements throughout testing. “As we continue to grow as a company, traceability is becoming more important because, in essence, the purpose of a test case is to validate a requirement. With the ability to write test cases to specifically validate requirements, we can bring the whole picture together,” Cook notes. All Assets in One Place Prior to managing their artifacts in Rational ClearCase, the Digital Government Enterprises team used a disparate set of tools to manage and version their source code. As the team began to implement other IBM Rational solutions, it became clear that Rational ClearCase, as part of an end-to-end development solution, offered advantages over the piecemeal approach. “When we were using different tools, we never knew where everything was. With Rational ClearCase, when the configuration management team needs to build a product they only have to go to one place instead of three. That has really helped them and has really helped stabilize our builds,” says Cook. “We selected Rational ClearCase because one of our integration experts was very enthusiastic about it and we were implementing several other Rational solutions. It is excellent and it fits right in line with the other products. It has added a level of calm to our parallel development, because everyone has a better understanding of what is going on.” Integration between Rational ClearCase and other solutions from the IBM Rational Software Development Platform provides a range of benefits to the Verizon Business team. “A key factor In choosing IBM Rational ClearCase was the ability to seamlessly integrate our version control system with our design, testing and change management tools. The out-of-the-box Unified Change Management (UCM) capabilities allowed us to quickly leverage the power of Rational ClearCase and get up and running with a unified change and configuration management system,” says Cook. “The integration between Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest is enabling our development leads a continuous flow of information and an increased level of communication between functional teams for Verizon Business. Seamless integration also allows the function groups to maintain a higher level of visibility with respect to changes in our applications.” Improved Visibility and Coordination Effective software development governance depends on the ability to view and understand how each project is progressing. Verizon Business is using IBM Rational ClearQuest to improve visibility and coordination of projects. As a comprehensive defect tracking and change management system, Rational ClearQuest benefits the entire development team, including its on-site developers, and additional developers at two remote sites. “Visibility into projects has been a real benefit, because we have one place where a project manager can go and see the state of the project, including all the defects and their status. Our off-shore developers access it through a Web interface and they can see exactly what defects they are responsible for. As a result, when we have a conference call we can all speak on a common level because we all have access to the same information. Rational ClearQuest has brought our team closer together, because now everyone is on the same page on how we are going to manage defects.” Previously the team managed defects manually using a spreadsheet, but as the team grew and projects became more complex, this approach was no longer workable. Rational ClearQuest meets the team’s immediate requirements, and provides the flexibility to adapt as the team’s needs change. “Everyone on the team is using Rational ClearQuest – the requirements team, developers, testers, and project managers. Everyone can add notes, and everyone can see the status of defects. We run a substantial number of reports using Rational ClearQuest to examine a range of metrics. We recently set up a new schema, and we’re having great success with it. Down the road, I see Rational ClearQuest moving even closer into the core project group, with less of QA focus. It will be our ‘team tool.’”, Cook explains. Test Automation Enables Cost and Time Savings When a software application reaches the SQA team for testing, Cook and his colleagues use IBM Rational Robot to create automated functional and regression tests. The group is working on developing basic regression tests scripts for each project. “We want to get some horizontal coverage first, and then create more advanced scripts as we go,” says Cook. On one project the team has already created a comprehensive test suite and demonstrated the benefits of test automation. The application under test was a government fish and game Web site that sold more than 200 different variations of hunting and fishing licenses. “Because, each license had its own rules regarding residency and age limitations, thoroughly testing each item and all of its conditions was very labor intensive. There was no way we could manually test each of them for every build,” says Cook. Cook and another tester built an automated test suite with Rational Robot. Factoring in labor costs, Cook estimates the effort’s investment cost at $6,400. Over time, the development team released 24 builds of the application to SQA; on each build test automation saved an average of $3,200. Cook’s final estimate for cost savings from automation on this one project was $76,800. “Manual testing this system would have been extremely labor intensive. With Rational Robot, for each build we would run our automated tests. They would test 98% of the items that the site sold, verifying for a range of conditions that the site offered the correct items for sale. It was simple, but exceptionally powerful.” Successful User Acceptance Tests Increased Cook notes that delivering quality applications has always been a priority at Verizon Business. However, when the team lacked a repeatable process, a unified development platform, and an effective governance approach they struggled to consistently meet the organization’s quality standards. He explains, “When SQA completes testing, we promote the code for user acceptance testing. In some cases, the user acceptance tests found new defects and other defects that had been reported as fixed. At one time, 65% of what we sent out was returned as failed in user acceptance testing. It was a huge problem.” Since adopting the IBM Rational Software Development Platform that number has dropped. “We use Rational TestManager to gather our test cases and designs and sent them to the user acceptance testing team. We use Rational Robot scripts to provide vertical as well as horizontal testing. We use Rational ClearQuest to communicate our findings – and steps needed to reproduce the defect – to developers. And we use Rational ClearCase to stabilize our build process. As a result, we increased the quality of our builds, and on one recent project 98% of our user acceptance tests passed.” CMMi, RUP, and New Business Opportunities Although the Digital Government Enterprises group currently works mainly with state and local governments, the group’s target market is expanding to include the federal government and other agencies, many of which require their contractors to attain Capability Maturity Model Integration® (CMMI®) Level 3. The group is relying on the IBM Rational Software Development Platform to support its efforts around this maturity framework. “We just had a Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI) assessment to determine our CMMi level. There are many things we must show for compliance, including artifacts and processes. As we move forward we will rely on Rational ClearCase and the Rational platform to help manage all of that,” notes Cook. A key element of the group’s effort in this area is the adoption of IBM Rational Unified Process, or RUP. Verizon Business has customized RUP to meet the specific needs of the organization. The tailored methodology provides Verizon Business with a repeatable process that continues to improve over time. “Before RUP, when we were successful on a project it was often due to personal heroics. The process wasn’t trackable, it wasn’t measurable, and it definitely wasn’t repeatable. Even after we were all began using common tools, some people were still doing things their own way. Going from that kind of shop to a process shop requires a change in mindset. But gradually we got everyone on board with RUP, and now we are thinking about the future and how we will progress as a shop in the company,” says Cook. “In the past, we didn’t have a consistent methodology; now we do, and we are continuing to improve it.” Connecting Business with Development As a provider of communications and IT solutions, Verizon Business is always looking to create new revenue generating products and services. One challenge in this effort is connecting the program managers, line of business management, and customers that have ideas for new products with the development teams that will build them. Cook reports that this connection has been significantly strengthened through the use of RUP and the IBM Rational Software Development Platform, and that is reflected in improved customer satisfaction. “Customers are much more satisfied with our work. They see we are using a different process, and the chaos is gone. We are no longer shifting resource around, struggling to meet deadlines. In fact, we recently won a five-year contract extension, as a result of our customer’s improved opinion of us,” says Cook. There have been other advantages as well – less apparent from outside the company, but vital to the group’s continued success. “Our teams are seeing that if you follow the process you need fewer iterations; and people see that when things go smoothly everything goes faster. Although we are just starting to capture numbers on productivity, I believe we have seen a substantial increase. By providing our development teams with a common platform from which to analyze, design, develop, and test, IBM Rational solutions have created opportunities to improve the quality of our software as well as our organization,” Cook adds.
Anhui Mobile Accelerating software development and configuration management with IBM Rational solutions Business challenge: To stay competitive, Anhui Mobile must strengthen its core business by continually developing new features and services to meet customer demand. Solution: Anhui Mobile standardizes on IBM® Rational® Synergy and IBM Rational Change applications for change and configuration management to achieve greater efficiency and quality. “We chose Rational Synergy and Rational Change because they give Anhui Mobile a powerful software development platform with the robust functionality we need.” Anhui Mobile Communication Company Limited A wireless service provider in China improves productivity and reduces development costs when it deploys IBM Telelogic Change and IBM Telelogic Synergy software to improve its software development processes in order to meet the market demands Client name:Location:Anhui Company Limited (Anhui Mobile)Ahui Province ChinaIndustry: Telecommunications Focus area: Application Design-Build-Manage, Development & Technology Adoption, Enabling Business Flexibility, Infrastructure Simplification, Optimizing IT, Product Lifecycle ManagementGeneral Business: Mid-Market AccountGeography/IOT/GMU: Growth MarketsClient background:Anhui Company Limited (Anhui Mobile) is a fully-owned subsidiary to China Mobile Group. The company is the biggest mobile service provider across Anhui Province with 100-percent network coverage. As the leading mobile services provider in China, the company boasts the world’s largest mobile network and subscriber base. URL: http://www.ahtech.com.cn/index/Project start: 01/2008Project end: 06/2008 Client Background: Anhui Company Limited (Anhui Mobile) is a fully-owned subsidiary to China Mobile Group. The company is the biggest mobile service provider across Anhui Province with 100-percent network coverage. As the leading mobile services provider in China, the company boasts the world’s largest mobile network and subscriber base. Business Need: To meet the demand for innovation in the competitive mobile phone marketplace, Anhui Company Limited (Anhui Mobile) needed a better way to accelerate research and development (R&D) projects. The company struggled with poor visibility of the entire application lifecycle, lack of requirements traceability, frequent rework, schedule overruns, absence of change and configuration management system. To deal with the products and their release schedules effectively, Anhui Mobile development team needed a solution that could automate and integrate as much of its software development lifecycle process as possible. Anhui Mobile seeks a new application lifecycle solution. They require tight integration of configuration management as well as robust flexibility to scale to multiple development teams working on a variety of complex projects. Solution: Anhui Mobile chose IBM Rational Synergy and IBM Rational Change because they provide a powerful software development platform with robust functionality. IBM Rational Synergy, a task-based configuration management solution, helps accelerate the release and build management processes, maximize the efficiency of limited development resources, and unites distributed development teams. IBM Rational Change, a Web-based, fully integrated change management solution, helps increase quality by reducing the risk of unwanted or unauthorized changes being implemented. It also helps ensure accountability by tracking change requests, improving communication among development teams. IBM Rational change and configuration management solutions give Anhui Mobile’s development teams and all project stakeholders clear visibility and traceability of requirement changes throughout the application lifecycle. As a result, teams are working more efficiently, since they no longer have to manually trace requirements or do extensive rework. In the future, Anhui Mobile plans to expand its IBM Rational solution with IBM Rational DOORS® for requirements management. Benefits of the Solution: IBM Rational Synergy and IBM Rational Change have transformed software development at Anhui Mobile from an inefficient process to a cohesive, controlled environment that delivers these enterprise-wide benefits: - Centralized software development for better efficiency - Version control to ensure accuracy - Baseline management for better visibility - Better report statistics - Improved team communication and collaboration Benefits Centralized software development for better efficiency Version control to ensure accuracy Baseline management for better visibility Better report statistics Improved team communication and collaboration 17