eLearning Programme Call 2004 „Europäische Förderprogramme“ FernUniversität, 13. Mai 2004 Friedhelm Nickolmann, Dez. 2.4 Some Background Information & Details on the 2004 Call
13. Mai 2004eLearning Programme / Call Information Society for All
13. Mai 2004eLearning Programme / Call eEurope Action PlanAction Plan - e-research - e-security - e-education - e-working - e-accessibilitye-researche-securitye-educatione-workinge-accessibility - e-commerce - e-government - e-health - e-content - e-transporte-commercee-governmente-healthe-contente-transport Objectives Bring every citizen, school, business and administration online - quickly Create a digital literate and entrepreneural Europe Widespread availability of broadband access Modern public services Assure an inclusive information society Cheaper Internet
13. Mai 2004eLearning Programme / Call e - education European youth into the digital age Every European citizen should be equipped with the skills needed to live and work in the information society. eEurope proposes to connect all schools to the Internet, to adapt school curricula and to train teachers to use digital technologies. In order to ensure that these objectives are met, on March 28, 2001, the European Commission adopted the Action plan.
13. Mai 2004eLearning Programme / Call eLearning Documents ( ) Call for proposals - eLearning Programme DG EAC/26/04 (26 April 2004) Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council adopting a multiannual programme (2004 to 2006) for the effective integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education and training systems in Europe (eLearning Programme) (05 December 2003) Commission Staff Working Paper: eLearning : Designing Tomorrow's Education - A Mid-Term Report (30 Jul 2003) Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council adopting a multi-annual programme ( ) for the effective integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education and training systems in Europe (eLearning Programme) (19 December 2002) Report from the Commission on using the Internet to develop Twinning between European Secondary Schools (04 June 2002) Commission Staff Working Paper - eLearning : Designing Tomorrow’s Education - An Interim Report + Annex (21/28 February 2002)An Interim ReportAnnex Council Resolution on eLearning (13 July 2001)Council Resolution on eLearning(13 July 2001) The eLearning Action Plan : Guide to related programmes and instruments (28 March 2001)The eLearning Action Plan : Guide to related programmes and instruments The eLearning Action Plan - Designing tomorrow's education (28 March 2001)The eLearning Action Plan - Designing tomorrow's education Communication from the Commission eLearning - Designing tomorrow's education (May 2000)eLearning - Designing tomorrow's education Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: "Designing tomorrow's education - Promoting innovation with new technologies""Designing tomorrow's education - Promoting innovation with new technologies" (January 2000) Learning in the information society - Action plan for a European education initiative ( )Learning in the information society - Action plan for a European education initiative Council Resolution relating to educational multimedia software in the fields of education and training) (06 May 1996) Council Resolution relating to educational multimedia software in the fields of education and training
13. Mai 2004eLearning Programme / Call
13. Mai 2004eLearning Programme / Call eLearning Definition eLearning Programme To improve the quality and accessibility of European education and training systems through the effective use of information and communication technologies (ICT) eLearning is defined as „the use of new multimedia technologies and the Internet to improve the quality of learning by facilitating access to resources and services as well as remote exchanges and collaboration“
13. Mai 2004eLearning Programme / Call eLearning Initiative (2001) Current Actions and Projects 2003: 13 Media Literacy projects 31 eLearning support actions 2002: 16 pilot projects 4 strategic projects 2001: 29 pilot projects
13. Mai 2004eLearning Programme / Call Areas of Intervention (Call 2004) Promoting digital literacy European virtual campuses Transversal actions E-twinning of schools in Europe and promotion of teachers‘ training separately
13. Mai 2004eLearning Programme / Call European Virtual Campuses (EVC): Objectives Existing co-operation instruments: mobility schemes, ECTS Favourable conditions for European HE: collaboration, sustainability, worldwide competition in an eLearning HE market Support know-how developmentfor effective use of ICT for learning and for meeting current and future challenges
13. Mai 2004eLearning Programme / Call European Virtual Campuses (EVC): Priorities One or more priorities must be addressed: Virtual mobility: complement to physical mobility or specific potential of distance education Development of learning support services Trans-European deployment strategies for virtual campuses
13. Mai 2004eLearning Programme / Call European Virtual Campuses (EVC): Approaches Long-term educational vision: Bologna process, mobility (ECTS), social consensus Co-operation (operational, sustainable): mutual recognition, validation, accreditation, eLearning strategy Partnership co-operation (concrete): inter-institutional contracts, common services, common services, faculties‘ coordination Students‘ involvement: collaborative and problem-based learning
13. Mai 2004eLearning Programme / Call Requested Proposals Characteristics Balanced partnership (geographically, expertise) Respect cultural and linguistic diversity Involve new players with existing actions Proactive dissemination of regular, tangible results (delivrables) Added European value
13. Mai 2004eLearning Programme / Call Formal Criteria (EVC) Organisations from public or private sector with interest, expertise and European experience in eLearning Consortium: min 3, max 8 (recommended) partners from 3 different countries (EU – min 1; EEA – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway)
13. Mai 2004eLearning Programme / Call Financial Contribution and Other Settings (EVC) Available budget: 4.8 MEUR Funding : 50 to 80 % of eligible costs average:0.5 MEUR maximum: 1.0 MEUR Direct and indirect costs 10 to 12 projects expected für funding Duration: 12 to 24 months Deadline for application: 28 June 2004 (17:00)