SYNBIOLOGY - An Analysis of Synthetic Biology Research in Europe and North America 4,5/4,5 CM SYNBIOLOGY: An Analysis of Synthetic Biology Research in Europe and North America Recommendations for Stronger Synthetic Biology Research 30th May 2006 European Commission, Brussels
SYNBIOLOGY Brussels, 30 May 2006 Stronger Synthetic Biology Research - -Definition of Synthetic Biology - -Core Challenges of Synthetic Biology - -Research Priorities - -Funding Priorities - -Training and Education - -Building Europe/North America Cooperation Discussion Subjects
SYNBIOLOGY Brussels, 30 May 2006 Stronger Synthetic Biology Research - -What is synthetic biology? - -What is NOT synthetic biology? - -What defines a synthetic biologist - -Perceptions by different groups (scientists, politicians, policy makers, NGOs) Definition of Synthetic Biology
SYNBIOLOGY Brussels, 30 May 2006 Stronger Synthetic Biology Research - -What are the major challenges for the next 5 years? - -Ensure security and safety - -Establish and achieve goal for DNA synthesis: low cost, very fast synthesis, no errors - -Develop robust set of well characterized “standard” parts - -Develop tests for QC of “standard” parts - -High cost/long term of research leading to sustained funding - -Identify achievable goals resulting in tangible products - -More? Core Challenges of Synthetic Biology
SYNBIOLOGY Brussels, 30 May 2006 Stronger Synthetic Biology Research - -Foundational technologies - -Health care - -Materials - -Environmental - -Energy - -Chemistry - -Ag-Bio - -More? Research Priorities
SYNBIOLOGY Brussels, 30 May 2006 Stronger Synthetic Biology Research - -Core facilities - -Equipment - -Large consortia vs. smaller groups - -High risk/innovative research vs. lower risk/prescribed projects - -Link with priority research areas - -How to attract private funding (big business, new technology-based firms, equity funding)? Funding Priorities
SYNBIOLOGY Brussels, 30 May 2006 Stronger Synthetic Biology Research - -Curriculum in synthetic biology - -Attracting young investigators - -Becoming pro-active in influencing political decision-making and in educating the public - -Educating funding agency administrators - -IP and legal issues Training and Education
SYNBIOLOGY Brussels, 30 May 2006 Stronger Synthetic Biology Research - -Registry of parts (Open Source – Public License) - -strategic consequences - -economic consequences - -is there need for a European registry? - -Speeding Up – Industrial Property Rights in SB1 - -how to disseminate and act - -Private sector requirements for strategic patent portfolio IP and Legal Issues
SYNBIOLOGY Brussels, 30 May 2006 Stronger Synthetic Biology Research - -What are the barriers and how to overcome them? - -Actors interested in cooperation vs competition for a future growth market - -Funding of joint symposia and workshops - -Funding of collaborative research projects - -Provide funding for EU post-docs to train/teach in North America - -Identify common priorities with buy-in from senior officials of funding agencies in both regions - -Lessons from iGEM Building Europe/North America Cooperation