Hungarian PSI over view Cross border meeting - Visegrad Countries Chris Corbin ePSIplus Analyst Beckov, Slovakia, 11 th February 2009 funded by eContentPlus.


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Presentation transcript:

Hungarian PSI over view Cross border meeting - Visegrad Countries Chris Corbin ePSIplus Analyst Beckov, Slovakia, 11 th February 2009 funded by eContentPlus

V4 meeting: Hungary – an overview The ePSIplus national Hungarian meeting was held in Budapest on 13 th December This overview is based on the meeting report and sub sequent events. Az Európai Parlament és a Tanács 2003/98/EK irányelve (2003. november 17.) a közszféra információinak további felhasználásáról. The Ministry of Economy and Transport lead on the PSI Directive. The Personal Data and the Access to Information of Public Utility Act, adopted in Section 1A of the act defines the information of public utility as “all the data which is managed by the state or local municipality administration or by any other organisation or person which/who executes public service, regulated by law.” Act XC of 2005 on the Freedom of Information by Electronic Means partly transposes the Directive 2003/98/EC. nt/national/2005_XC#_ftn1_ftn1 nt/national/2005_XC#_ftn1_ftn1 The Act on Electronic Freedom of Information requires a response within 15 days and at no financial charge.

V4 meeting: Hungary – an overview: 2 Within the public sector bodies it is still a very common mistake to mix up the commercial re-use of PSI with freedom of information legislation. The government has not as yet under taken a survey to analyse the full potential of PSI market and the re-use of PSI in Hungary. Plans to modify the legislation related to PSI re-use is expected to come into force late 2008 early The Ministry of Economy and Transport together with the Ministry of Finance have been consulting civil society and others with respect to modifications to current legislation related to PSI re-use.

V4 meeting: Hungary – an overview: 3 Examples of companies re-using PSI include: KJK Kerszov, a publishing house which focuses its activities on law and business. The company re-uses the National Company Information Database, which is organized and supervised by the Ministry of Justice. The meeting agreed that the following actions needed to be taken at the National level: –Implementation of transparent regulation-system as well as a pricing-system. –More pronounced involvement of the business sector. –Necessity for a cost-benefit analysis to be undertaken. –Provide market economy ranking failures. –Only basic demands and services should be financed from public funds.

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