File Saving and editing Basic editing using adjustment layers. Week 3 Artd114 Digital Photography
Week three Lesson outline Lecture on Bridge Essentials and upload images from camera (Review) Rename Files in Bridge- use Scavenger Hunt images as an example. Make a contact sheet using Bridge and Photoshop. Introduce toolbox and most used tools for texture better texture images. Basic corrections through use of Adjustment Layers Canvas size and saving files for printing using Template Demonstrate procedures on resizing and cropping Go over Glossary Handout (quiz week 4) Lab: Make 2 contact sheets: Scavenger Hunt and Texture Homework from this week. Edit Texture images and place in template. Prepare for printing top 3 images next week. Individual image review Select and alter three of your pictures using all adjustment layers save in folder for grade. Label it Adjustment layer edit_texture. These images will be part of your 10 top images. The edits don’t have to be extreme, but settle is just as powerful.
What is a pixel? A pixel is a small dot of color either RBG (primary colors of light). All lighted display devices are made of pixels. Digital Cameras have a sensor that collects color data and make an image file that contains a variety of color pixel data.
PPI or DPI/resolution PPI stands for Pixel per inch. DPI stands for Dots per inch. Image is measured in the amount of pixels in a square inch. The smaller the ppi the lower the image quality, 72 ppi is average web image size. The high ppi like 300, offers better image quality and more options for printing.
Pros of Raster Images Rich Detail: Ever wondered what the term “dpi” stands for? It means “dots per inch,” a measurement of how much detailed color information a raster image contains. Say you’ve got a 1” x 1” square image at 300 dpi—that’s 300 individual squares of color that provide precise shading and detail in your photograph. The more dpi your image contains, the more subtle details will be noticeable. Precise Editing: All of those individual pixels of color information can also be modified, one by one. So if you’re a true perfectionist, the level of editing and customization available in a raster image is almost limitless. Cons of Raster Images Blurry When Enlarged: The biggest downfall to raster images is that they become pixelated (aka grainy) when enlarged. Why is this? Well, there are a finite number of pixels in all raster images; when you enlarge a photo, the computer takes its best guess as to what specific colors should fill in the gaps. This interpolation of data causes the image to appear blurry since the computer has no way of knowing the exact shade of colors that should be inserted. Large File Size: Remember how a 1” x 1” square at 300 dpi will have 300 individual points of color information for the computer to remember? Well let’s say you have an 18” x 24” photo— that’s 129,600 bits o’ info for a computer to process which can quickly slow down even the faster machine.
File Formats RAW, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, PDF, GIF… Why so many file formats? When to use them?
JPEG- (Joint Photographic Experts Group) Jpeg format is used for color photographs, or any pictures with many blends or gradients. It is not good with sharp edges and tends to blur them a bit. This format became popular with the invention of the digital camera. TIFF-( Tagged Image File Format) This file format has not been updated since It can store an image and data (tag) in the one file. TIFF also stores files with virtually no compression and therefore is good for storing images that need to be edited and re- saved without suffering a compression loss. RAW is the output from each of the original red, green and blue sensitive pixels of the image sensor, after being read out of the array by the array electronics and passing through an analog to digital converter.
PDF-Portable Document Format was developed in the early 1990s as a way to share documents, including text formatting and inline images, among computer users of disparate platforms who may not have access to mutually-compatible application software. The format is a like a screen shot but with the ability to have clickable links and buttons, form fields, video, and audio. PNG -Portable Networks Graphic) Apparently this is one of the best image formats, however it was not always compatible with all web browsers or image software. GIF-(Graphics Interchange Format) Gif format is best used for text, line drawings, screen shots, cartoons, and animations. It is commonly used for fast loading web pages.
Bridge Review Quiz on Bridge Before Quiz review Bridge tools from last week. Rating tools, metadata, and viewing options. Then, demonstration how to rename files, and rename the files of your Scavenger Hunt.
What is a contact sheet? Contacts Sheets were used during traditional film photography to make a positive thumbnails of the developed negatives. Much like Bridge, digtal contact sheets are a printed way to see example of your images and rate them. Negative Film Contact sheet Digital Contact Sheet
Making a Contact Sheet To make a contact sheet in Bridge go to Tools located on the top bar. Then, scroll down to Photoshop, scroll over to Contact Sheet II. It will open to Photoshop. Use the image on the right as a guide. If you are in Photoshop you can make a contact sheet there too. Go to File, Automate- Contact Sheet II. It will bring you to the same contact sheet window. Choose the folder you want to make a contact sheet with. Make a Contact sheet of the Scavenger hunt from last week, and your texture images from homework.
Making an Adjustment Layer in Photoshop Discuss difference between Non- deconstructive and deconstuctive editing. Compare editing tools in Adjustment layers in Photoshop to Camera Raw adjustment. Why does a photographer need to edit a photograph? Need more help check out this link:
Cropping and Resizing image Cropping refers to removing outer parts of the image to improve of framing and accentuate the subject. This can also change the image size. What needs to be done after you crop an image to make sure it fits the printing template. Go to image size- lets explore ways to adjust the size of the image and keep resolution high. Remember higher resolution make better image quality for printing.
Printing Template Once you are done editing your work you will have it as a TIFF. You will copy and paste the image to the printing template, adding your name and title to work. Save in a folder labeled final top 10 images in the server under your texture folder.