My family is my fortress How difficult to live in the world without a stem without leaves without roots…
The parable says: Once small fries living in the river asks the Old fish if she knows what the water is..? The parable says: Once small fries living in the river asks the Old fish if she knows what the water is..?
The Old fish answers: “I don’t know what the water is but when we are taken from the water out we realize the truth”.
-Who is meant as small fries and the Old fish? -Children and adults? -What do you think what the water is for its occupants? - The family? -Who is meant as small fries and the Old fish? -Children and adults? -What do you think what the water is for its occupants? - The family?
карьера слава семейное благополучие семейное благополучие дети знания наука любовь богатство
Several words about the etymology of the word “the family”. It’s the time-honored Russian “family.” It was derived from the numeral “seven”, that meant “households”. The same root of the word has got Lithuanian “seima” – “the family” in translation and Gothic “haims” – “settlement” and Greek “home”. First the word “family” meant all those who live in one village and then changed into “households”. Several words about the etymology of the word “the family”. It’s the time-honored Russian “family.” It was derived from the numeral “seven”, that meant “households”. The same root of the word has got Lithuanian “seima” – “the family” in translation and Gothic “haims” – “settlement” and Greek “home”. First the word “family” meant all those who live in one village and then changed into “households”.
Today we know “family” means a beautiful place for existence. The family is a fortress to keep you out of trouble. The family is sacred. Save it carefully. Today we know “family” means a beautiful place for existence. The family is a fortress to keep you out of trouble. The family is sacred. Save it carefully.
D.S. Lihatchov said in “The letters about good and beautiful”: ”If you love your family, if you are friendly, there are undoubtedly many other friendly families who enjoy visiting you and invite you to their place. United family surely radiates harmonic atmosphere into the open. When you love your own mother you can’t but understand others who love their own parents. If you love your parents you love them “ in different measuring”: you go through the pages of old albums with their photos – what were your relatives during childhood, before marriage, when they were young and became old. ”
My mother is Morozova Natalya Victorovna. She is also a lawyer. She was born in Saransk into the family of workers. While studying at school her ambition was to become a lawyer. She finished school with a gold medal. She entered the Mordovian State University and after graduating she didn’t hesitate what job to master – of a public prosecutor, a judge, a notary; she chose the job of a lawyer. Now, she has been working as a lawyer for 25 years. For her conscientious attitude to work she was repeatedly awarded by local authorities of Mordovia and is the Honorary Lawyer of Russia. She experts the judgment constantly and consults not only her clients but also young colleges skillfully. And she is not only brilliant lawyer but also careful mother and wife. She watches my success at school and sometimes helps me with my homework. At leisure time we go to the theatre, cinema, visit exhibitions. She’d like me to become a deserving person. 11
My father’s name is Morozov Georgiy Anatolyevich. He was born in Lyambirskii district of Mordovia. Aged 10 the family left the village for Saransk. In 1967 my father finished school № 19. Then he was a sailor in the marine. When returned he began to work at a plant and entered legal faculty of Mordovian State University named after N.P.Ogarev. He has chosen the profession of a lawyer as a job. He enjoyed it greatly. In years he became more skillful, passed exams to become a judge. Now he is experienced master of his job: treats people very attentively, deepens in trouble people’s situations, because he realizes that people’s fates depend on his decisions. Colleges appreciate my father for his human qualities and conscientious attitude to job.