Research Funding from Europe Framework Programmes Created by EU Treaty Multi-annual programmes to undertake Research and Technological Development Main method of funding science in EU Started 1984; have been 5 years with 1 year overlap FP6: “At the Lisbon Summit in March 2000, EU Governments called for a better use of European research efforts through the creation of an internal market for science and technology – a ‘European Research Area’ (ERA). FP6 is the financial instrument to make ERA a reality.” FP7: “designed to build on the achievements of its predecessor towards the creation of the European Research Area, and carry it further towards the development of the knowledge economy and society in Europe.”
FP to 2013 Total budget: 50.5 BEUR CooperationPeopleCapacitiesIdeas 32.4B4.8B4.1B7.5B Enhance cooperation Train researchers“Enhance research and innovation capacities” European Research Council Only for 10 selected Themes Marie Curie actions 7 research areas, including Research Infrastructures “Investigator- driven frontier research”
FP to 2013 Total budget: 50.5 BEUR CooperationPeopleCapacitiesIdeas 32.4B4.8B4.1B7.5B Enhance cooperation Train researchers“Enhance research and innovation capacities” European Research Council Only for 10 selected Themes Marie Curie actions 7 research areas, including Research Infrastructures “Investigator- driven frontier research”
Research Infrastructures Design Studies: - For new infrastructure Construction of New Infrastructure: - Preparatory Phase: CNI-PP - Implementation Phase: CNI-IP - Infrastructure must be on ESFRI roadmap - Via CERN Strategy Review for PP Integration Activities: - Development of existing infrastructure - Networking Activities (NA) - Joint Research Activities (JRA) - Transnational Access (TA)
Research Infrastructures PP has done well in this area Projects tend to be large and multi-partner Admin is ~OK, unless you’re the coordinator EC funding - maximum 75% of total - typically ~30% - usually < 10 MEUR - so usually not huge amount/partner For STFC: - 105% overheads - need to make sure missing ~70% already funded - can fund staff, travel and consumables - capital is trickier - life is a lot easier with correctly setup project numbers No calls left in FP7!
European Research Council Focus on PIs Main selection criterion – scientific excellence: - PI - Project Pure or applied science in any field: - aim: “substantial advances at or beyond the frontiers ofresearch” - interdisciplinary proposals - new or emerging fields of research - proposals which are less likely for RC funding Worth looking at funded projects Attending UKRO events
European Research Council Starting Grants - 1 PI, 2-7 years from Ph.D. - up to 1.5 MEUR (in special cases, 2M) - up to 5 years duration Advanced Grants - 1 PI, >10 years from Ph.D. - track record of significant achievements - up to 2.5 MEUR (in special cases, 3.5M) - up to 5 years duration Funding: - 100% of direct costs, 20% overheads - PI - team (usually local) - equipment - travel
European Research Council Success rates: - Starting Grant = 12% (UK ~15%) - Advanced Grant = 13% (UK ~14%) Proposal ~25 pages (AG) Worth having a go! No more calls in FP7, however
European Research Council Synergy Grant: PIs - Maximum funding = 15 MEUR - Maximum duration = 6 years 1 round so far: proposals - 11 funded - 1.5% success rate Last FP7 call has just closed
Horizon 2020 Starts 2014 Some merging and re-labelling RIs and ERC looks pretty much the same: support the most talented and creative individuals and their teams to carry out frontier research of the highest quality by building on the success of the European Research Council (ERC 1 );ERC fund collaborative research to open up new and promising fields of research and innovation through support for Future and Emerging Technologies (FET 2 );FET provide researchers with excellent training and career development opportunities through the Marie Curie Actions 3 ;Marie Curie Actions ensure Europe has world-class research infrastructures 4 (including e-infrastructures) accessible to all researchers in Europe and beyondresearch infrastructures Funding not yet agreed