Monarch Thomas Cook British Airways Virgin Atlantic Thomsonfly bmi easyJet
Enterprise Architecture - Objectives for Today Not to be a boring re-run To answer the simple question – Did it work for you? To use language and arguments which non experts can understand To present a personal view in the context of the opportunities that EA might bring at an industry and European level To do that by: Describing what I think EA is Presenting the characteristics of EA of particular value and which might be relevant in persuading Airspace Users to engage Discussing what engagement might require from Airspace Users To consider potential next steps
Enterprise Architecture - A working definition Enterprise Architecture is the organising logic for business processes and IT infrastructure reflecting the integration and standardisation requirements of the firms business model [1] or as an alternative Enterprise Architecture provides a structured description of a business or business enterprise and through logical progression through a series of increasingly complex views, enables common understanding without the requirement for a common level of expert knowledge [2] [1] Source MIT Centre for Information Systems Research [2] Source Dave Bluett (with apologies for the length!)
Business Vision & Goals Underlying Technical Architecture Strategic View Operational View Service – Oriented View System View Technical View & Physical Architecture EAEA Framework INCREASINGINCREASING TECHNICALTECHNICAL COMPLEXITYCOMPLEXITY Enterprise Architecture - Enabling a common understanding Ch Exec Solution Designers EXPERTISEEXPERTISE EXPERTISEEXPERTISE
Enterprise Architecture - Characteristics(1) Provides Structure, Consistency and Breadth Gives an Holistic Perspective Translates aspirational visions into tangible IT deliverables A business blueprint Provides an audit trail from concept to action Offers pro-actively managed transparency Identifies existing sub optimal processes Minimises the risk of inadvertent stakeholder action Dynamic process
Enterprise Architecture - Characteristics (2) Multi-functional serving a wide spectrum of individual stakeholder requirements Accurately describes business relationships between disparate stakeholders who are mutually dependent All stakeholder requirements embedded in business model for the enterprise Eliminates stakeholder isolation Identifies and justifies the relationships, processes and information flows that are required Both within and between stakeholders Provides a potential route between SESAR PD and tangible deliverables Provides significant learning opportunities
Enterprise Architecture - Potential Applications Within individual businesses Within business enterprises such as ATM Many stakeholders Disparate processes Complex service relationships Strong mutual dependencies At a European level of activity As a transition from SESAR PD to tangible deliverables
Enterprise Architecture - Airspace User Engagement A significant commitment (May be) Resource Intensive Will require a breadth of industry experience and Will require co-ordination Needs an industry not parochial input however Engagement will ensure that the Airspace Users requirements from and contribution to Europes ATM network are understood and accurately reflected in the business model of the European ATM Enterprise
Enterprise Architecture - Summary Service Orientated Enterprise Architecture is a proven approach and has now been shown as applicable to ATM It is beneficial within an individual stakeholder business but seems particularly useful in describing a Business Enterprise dependent on relationships between a number of disparate stakeholders To be successful it requires the active involvement of all stakeholders. As major stakeholders in the ATM Business Enterprise, Airspace Users must contribute It offers a practical transition from the SESAR PD phase to firm, tangible service and systems deliverables
Monarch Thomas Cook British Airways Virgin Atlantic Thomsonfly bmi easyJet