Service Technique de la Navigation Aérienne NexSAT: Institutional aspects 20 may, 2003 STNA/31 The EGNOS example: the issue The good example: The Tripartite agreement: - European Commission (funding, studies & demo) - ESA (technical management and system development) - Eurocontrol (civil aviation validation) Responsibilities: - up to the Operational Readiness Review (2004) but funding and management of the operational phase are not covered
Service Technique de la Navigation Aérienne NexSAT: Institutional aspects 20 may, 2003 STNA/32 The EGNOS example: the consequences Break in the life cycle of the system Lack of confidence in sustainability of the EGNOS services Difficulties to involve airspace users to equip their fleet or to use the system Users require guaranty of sustainability before investing
Service Technique de la Navigation Aérienne NexSAT: Institutional aspects 20 may, 2003 STNA/33 The EGNOS project: lessons Institutional aspects to be covered by NexSAT: - transition to an operator - funding of the system life cycle - return on investments viability of the services for a significant period of time
Service Technique de la Navigation Aérienne NexSAT: Institutional aspects 20 may, 2003 STNA/34 Conclusion Define at the beginning of the development process: - the ownership entity: that must provide the funds for the development and the maintenance during the system life cycle - the operator of the system: that must play a key role in the system definition - the management and financial relationship between those entities and the potential users
Service Technique de la Navigation Aérienne NexSAT: Institutional aspects 20 may, 2003 STNA/35 Recommendations Economical dimension of the system have to be addressed at the beginning of the development process: - clear customer tailored mission requirements - clarification of the funding mechanism of the system life cycle - identification of the potential funding sources - identification of the provision to ensure the long term sustainability of the services The above considerations have to be included on the mission requirements