+ Presentation (school) (Date) (presenters name)
+ Agenda Little bit about me: Why I am here today Background My JA story What does Entrepreneurship mean? Learning by Doing exercise
+ My story Inspire
+ The Changing Lives Campaign A European youth initiative Aiming to: Inspire Challenge Empower
+ Me? - background (Age) (name of e.g. high school and university) (current profession) (the quote that best describes your approach to life)
+ Me? – before the JA programme
+ The (JA Programme) & I
+ A Learning Experience ? ? ChallengesLearning Outcomes
+ After the Programme (Who am I now) (How did I change) (How did I stay involved = alumni ) (Why did I stay involved)
+ Before the break Never forget what a little motivation and inspiration can do
+ Learning by doing Leaders are made not born Talent is the result of hard work, not innate abilities Success is a journey, not a destination Challenge
+ The challenge
+ What did you learn?
+ A Leadership Lesson Leadership lesson come to us from unexpected places
+ The Entrepreneurship path Empower
+ What are your options? Doctor, lawyer, teacher, contractor, coach… Or Entrepreneur Have any of you every considered becoming an entrepreneur? Working for yourself or for somebody else
+ Entrepreneurship Fact-check Large multinational companies run the economy – FALSE more than 99% of all European businesses are SMEs To be an entrepreneur you have to invent something completely new – FALSE Entrepreneurship is to create a new company – FALSE European Commission: Entrepreneurship is 'the mind set and process needed to create and develop economic activity within a new or an existing organisation'.
+ The up and downs Freedom & flexibility Be your own boss Work with your passion Feel ownership in you success Fun Challenging & Tough Never ending workday AdvantagesDisadvantages
+ Is it right for you? How would you like to work? With what would you like to work? In what environment do you see yourself? What role do you see yourself in?
+ A few facts JA-YE Alumni are 4-5 times more likely to start a business launch startups with higher survival rates are more employable earn higher salaries
+ Thank for your time Be in touch: ( address)