The European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation dynamic Demand Capacity Balancing WP Marcel RICHARD Expert ATFCM Operational Specifications & Requirements SESAR
Traffic Prediction (Occupancy Count) is the cornerstone to take decision with confidence MUAC entry sample: entries MUAC occupancy sample: 5000 occupancies
What is dDCB? Entry Counts
What is dDCB? Occupancy counts
Entry versus Occupancy
Network View
Concept Clarification Occupancy Monitoring
Concept Clarification Network view: Hotspots Hotspot
Concept Clarification New roles and responsibilities
Concept Clarification Network View for Airspace Users Hotspots
15 Actors and role STAM Coordination: Actors
Concept Clarification New roles and responsibilities STAM
Measures and Coordination 17 Coordination
Hourly Capacity Versus dDCB Capa Regulation Complexity Capacity
Concept Clarification New process and procedures 19
Trial 8, 9 and 10 November 2011 Validation Objectives 20 Assessment of the Slot CASA Regulation and STAM efficiency. Assessment of new roles and responsibilities. Assessment of the new process and procedures. Assessment of Human Performance & Safety Assessment of the improved information quality. Feed back to the new support tools.
Concept Clarification RAW DATA 21 Feedback Questionnaire for FMP
Concept Clarification New roles and responsibilities 22 On the day of 9th November a regulation was in force at LFEE ACC to protect LFEUHL sector At 05:56 Reims FMP proposed a Level Capping measure (FL210 until LUL) for a flight departing LFSB to EHAM: KLM198 (EOBT= 06:15) The negotiation message was sent to KLM for Action. (The correct callsign was KLM1984) At 06:02 refused the proposal because a need of 200kg extra fuel to comply with the new profile At 06:03 KLM confirmed the refusal because the aircraft was already fuelled At 06:06 after internal negotiation and with agreement of the flight crew, KLM accepted the level capping measure At 06:19 the STAM measure was coordinated and then implemented
Concept Clarification New roles and responsibilities 23 Assessment of the new roles and responsibilities Subsidiarity principle : local decisions are efficient (FMP, AO) - Notification : Information sharing to allow the transparency of the decision taken - Negotiation : Coordination support take part to the negotiation Network Manager role and support tool Notification will allow to build the picture of the Network Issue - To clarify and define the NM role and responsibility - To define a NM Supervision tool support Issues to investigate Network Manager role and support tool
Concept Clarification Conclusion 24 STAM Measures and CASA regulation combination is a powerfull tool to exploit buffer of capacity while managing the ATC workload and traffic complexity A transparent process with notification and negotiation mechanisme pave the way - To build the network view (information are entered into the system) It is a pre-requisite to provide new functions as Network impact feedback, what-if STAM Measure deviation monitoring CASA regulation and STAM Measures alignement NM Supervision FMP support tool to organise their activities Post-Ops analysis - To involve the Airlines in the CDM process taking into account their preferences - To give visibility to the Network Manager
Concept Clarification Conclusion 25 Human Performance Cost-effectiveness is improved through an increased controller productivity With the introduction of STAM technics, the FMP is becoming a real job ! Staffing issue Training Package : Dissemination of new working method in Europe FMP qualification or license (operative FMP are not at the same level in Europe) Is dependant of the support tool quality It needs to re-invent the dDCB working position (as we made for the Controller Working Position 20 years ago – ODID, FASTI, ….) With the introduction of STAM coordination, the AO is involved Staffing issue Network Manager role, responsibilities and working method need to be re-designed
26 SESAR Release 3 Trial Spring 2013 More participants Training Package : Dissemination of new working method in Europe New Tools More involvement of Airlines Network Manager