SECTION 3.1 The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem
Remember what the notion of limits allows us to do...
Instantaneous Rate of Change
The Notion of a Derivative Derivative The instantaneous rate of change of a function. Think “slope of the tangent line.” Definition of the Derivative of a Function (p. 119)
Graphical Representation
f(x) So, what’s the point?
Notation and Terminology Terminology differentiation, differentiable, differentiable on an open interval (a,b) Differing Notation Representing “Derivative”
Example 1 (#2b)
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4 Alternative Form of the Derivative
When is a function differentiable? Functions are not differentiable... at sharp turns (v’s in the function), when the tangent line is vertical, and where a function is discontinuous. Theorem 3.1 Differentiability Implies Continuity
Example 5