Acquisition of Vocabulary Made by Veronica Gordon and Tess Moran Click to begin.
Benchmark A Benchmark B Benchmark D Benchmark E Benchmark F 1 Point Benchmark C
Benchmark A Katie used mnemonic tools to help her remember the answers to her quiz questions. Using your knowledge of context clues, define the word “mnemonic.”
ANSWER: Relating to, assisting, or intended to assist the memory.
Benchmark A Billy’s frog was an amphibian, a creature that can live on both water and land. Using context clues, what is the definition of amphibian?
ANSWER: A creature that can survive on both land and water.
Benchmark A Dad leveled the backyard, so it wasn’t uneven anymore. Using context clues, what is the definition of level in this sentence?
ANSWER: Having a flat, smooth surface.
Benchmark B A shovel is to digging, as a needle is to _________
ANSWER: Sewing.
Benchmark B Is the term, “as big as a giant” a simile or a metaphor?
A simile. ANSWER:
Benchmark B Is the term, “she was so petite, she was a mouse compared to others,” a simile or a metaphor?
A metaphor. ANSWER:
Benchmark C Rub and caress have similar denotations but different connotations. Does rub have a positive, neutral, or negative connotation?
Neutral. ANSWER:
Benchmark C Angry and indignant; Do these two words have the same denotation, or definition, or the same connotation?
Denotation (definition). ANSWER:
Benchmark C Espy: To see at a distance, catch sight of. Is this the denotation or connotation of the word ‘espy’?
Denotation (definition). ANSWER:
Benchmark D Using the sentence below, translate the underlined word. The centro of a circle is the middle of its diameter.
ANSWER: Center
Benchmark D Using the sentence below, translate the underlined word. My Mom’s sister is my Tia.
Benchmark D Using the sentence below, translate the underlined word. My Sister, Brother, Mother, and Father are part of my familia.
ANSWER: Family
Benchmark E The prefix –post mean after. Using this, guess the meaning of the underlined word. The country was in post-recession.
After the recession ANSWER:
Benchmark E The suffix “ing” means expressing the action of the verb or its result, product, material, etc. Using this definition, guess the meaning of the underlined word. The construction workers were building a library.
ANSWER: the act, business, or practice of constructing houses, office buildings, etc.
Benchmark E The prefix –pre means before. Using this, guess the meaning of the underlined word. Tess and Veronica are taking pre-algebra.
ANSWER: Preparation for Algebra
Benchmark F Clara wants to know the meaning of plethora. What would be the best resource for her to use (excluding the internet)?
ANSWER: Dictionary (tells meanings of words)
Benchmark F Jose wants to know where Budapest, Hungary is. What would be his best resource to use (excluding the internet)?
ANSWER: Atlas.