ETFMS Data Redistribution EDITION 16/01/2013 Hans Koolen
ETFMS DATA REDISTRIBUTION Purpose: to supply ANSPs and AOs with flight data from ETFMS in a message. Same as the Flight data that can be viewed on Network Operations Terminal (CHMI) or NOP Portal. It allows to have a common view on ATFCM flight data. Develop local ATFCM tools such as TLM, other future ATFCM applications and flight following applications.
PHASE 2 - DATA RE-DISTRIBUTION ETFMS Flight Data (EFD) message. Sent at significant flight data updates in ETFMS. Sent to interested sites, via a value added network. ADEXP format. Requirements defined in close cooperation with ANSPs. Available since 3 Nov 2004.
EFD CONTENTS Standard fields such as Callsign, ADEP, ADES, IFPLID, .... Special fields such as event, rdystate, fltstate, afregullist ... ETFMS point profile, and airspace profile for the three ETFMS flight models.
EFD TRANSMISSION EVENTS Flight plan reception and flight plan updates from IFPS. ATFM events such as slot issue, slot re-calculation, ... Flight status changes such as suspension, tact-activation, ATC-activation, termination, … Periodic transmission.
EFD MESSAGE EXAMPLE EFD message Point Profile Airspace Profile -TITLE EFD -EVENT FSA -EVENTCLASS MSG -FLTSTATE AA -TIMESTAMP 031126083500 -IFPLID BB56882245 -ARCID DAN1419 -EOBD 031126 -EOBT 1005 -AOBD 031126 -AOBT 1005 -ADA 031126 -ATA 1206 -ADEP LEMD -ADES EGLL -MODELTYP ACT -IRULES VFR GAT PROCESS -GEO –GEOID GEO01 -LATTD 403932N -LONGTD 0033135W -BEGIN RTEPTS For Point Profile see ---> -END RTEPTS -BEGIN ASPLIST For Airspace Profile see ---> -END ASPLIST -RDYSTATE SN -TAXITIME 0010 -BEGIN RTEPTS -AD -ADID LEMD -ETO 031126101500 -PTRTE DCT -PT -PTID MD -FL F024 -ETO 031126101610 –PTRULCHG IFR -PT -PTID GEO01 -FL F055 -ETO 031126101750 -VEC -RELDIST 35 -FL F100 -ETO 031126102005 -VEC -RELDIST 88 -FL F150 -ETO 031126102235 -PT -PTID ARN -FL F159 -ETO 031126102305 -VEC -RELDIST 26 -FL F225 -ETO 031126102645 -VEC -RELDIST 63 -FL F300 -ETO 031126103150 -VEC -RELDIST 78 -FL F310 -ETO 031126103400 -PT -PTID DGO -FL F310 -ETO 031126103650 -PTRTE UB11 -PT -PTID BLV -FL F310 -ETO 031126104405 -PT -PTID BISKA -FL F310 -ETO 031126104730 -PT -PTID BELEN-FL F310 -ETO 031126104935 -PT -PTID TIOCH -FL F310 -ETO 031126110810 -PTRTE DCT -PT -PTID NTS -FL F310 -ETO 031126111820 … -PT -PTID SENEQ -FL F310 -ETO 031126113655 -VEC -RELDIST 76 -FL F310 -ETO 031126114020 -PT -PTID BARLU -FL F316 -ETO 031126114130 -PTRTE UB11 -PT -PTID FAWBO -FL F330 -ETO 031126114425 -VEC -RELDIST 47 -FL F300 -ETO 031126114625 -VEC -RELDIST 55 -FL F290 -ETO 031126114650 -PT -PTID KATHY -FL F244 -ETO 031126114850 -VEC -RELDIST 73 -FL F225 -ETO 031126114940 -PT -PTID ELDER -FL F217 -ETO 031126115000 -PTRTE OCK2B -VEC -RELDIST 78 -FL F150 -ETO 031126115245 -PT -PTID HAZEL -FL F130 -ETO 031126115345 –STAY STAY1 0015 -PT -PTID HAZEL -FL F130 -ETO 031126120845 -VEC -RELDIST 54 -FL F100 -ETO 031126121125 -PT -PTID OCK -FL F070 -ETO 031126121455 -AD -ADID EGLL -ETO 031126122100 -END RTEPTS -BEGIN ASPLIST -ASP LECMNOR -ETI 031126101500 -XTI 031126102540 -ASP LECMDGO -ETI 031126102540 -XTI 031126103830 -ASP LECMBLV -ETI 031126103830 -XTI 031126104935 -ASP LFEERRFF_UIR -ETI 031126104935 -XTI 031126114425 -ASP LFRGS -ETI 031126104935 -XTI 031126110845 -ASP LFRNS -ETI 031126110845 -XTI 031126112835 -ASP LFRJS -ETI 031126112835 -XTI 031126114425 -ASP NA004 -ETI 031126113455 -XTI 031126113645 -ASP EGTTHRE -ETI 031126114425 -XTI 031126115145 -ASP EGTTOCA -ETI 031126115145 -XTI 031126121520 -ASP EGLMSFI -ETI 031126121520 -XTI 031126122100 -END ASPLIST
EFD FILTERING FOR ANSPs (1/3) ETFMS produces EFDs that are distributed in broadcast by the ETFMS-CS to all ENs equipped for DDS. The EN filters not-required EFDs, it only forwards relevant EFDs to the ATS system. The EN allows the definition of user dependent message filters. The EN allows the definition of user dependent field filters.
EFD MESSAGE FILTERING FOR ANSPs (2/3) Available message filters Elementary Sector (ES) check Discard EFDs with only unknown Elementary Sectors. EFDs are provided for flights entering AOR. Entry Time check Discard EFDs of which the entry time of the first ES - parameter is in the future. Exit Time check Discard EFDs of which the exit time of the last ES + parameter is in the past. Event exclusion Discard EFDs that are generated for certain events. Flight state exclusion Discard EFDs that have a certain flight state.
EFD FIELD FILTERING FOR ANSPs (3/3) Optionally the EN may remove certain fields from the EFD message. Available field filters: Point Profile Remove the Point Profile from the EFD before sending. Airspace Profile Remove the Airspace Profile from the EFD before sending.
EFD FILTERING FOR AOs (1/3) ETFMS produces EFDs and these are distributed in to an EN that is especially and only configured for DDS to AOs. The EN will filter out not-required EFDs or EFD fields. It will only forwards relevant EFDs to the AO’s system. The EN will only output EFDs for flights that “belong” to the AOs that participate to this new Data Distribution Service. Determination of the AO of a flight: From the 2-3 first letters of the Aircraft Id From Field-18 /OPR
EFD FILTERING FOR AOs (2/3) The EN may implement additional filters. For example: Flight plan cancellation, termination,... Conditions All AOs need to agree on the same filter settings. Benefits Reduction of required (network) bandwidth
EFD FILTERING FOR AOs (3/3) Available message filters Event exclusion Discard EFDs that are generated for certain events. Flight state exclusion Discard EFDs that have a certain flight state. Available field filters: Airspace Profile Remove the Airspace Profile from the EFD before sending.
EFD BENEFITS The EFD supplies ANSPs and AOs with the same flight data as available in ETFMS-CS. It can be used to reduce the number of inconsistencies in data between ETFMS, ATC and AO systems. It allows to have a common view on flight data. It is an enabler for Collaborative Decision Making (CDM). It will bring great benefits for the further developments of ATFCM.
ETFMS PHASE II WORKSHOP On 25/06/2003 in Brussels. Purpose: To obtain a better understanding on how ETFMS re-distributed data can be used for the further development of ATFCM. 70 participants from 23 different ANSPs and Airlines and Controllers associations. Presentations by 6 ANSPs and discussion by all.
ETFMS PHASE II WORKSHOP CONCLUSIONS ETFMS Data Re-distribution will improve data quality and sharing. Common view on ATM data, extend horizon, works on quality of information. ETFMS Data Re-distribution will require tools. Enhance existing tools (TLM), new tools, standardization, consistency with existing CFMU tools. ETFMS Data Re-distribution gives the opportunity to further develop procedures. New tools will raise opportunity for development of procedures but information is not yet mature. CAMES project. Regulatory aspects have to be taken into consideration to prevent misuse of information.
Your questions are very welcome
Thank you for your attention Hans Koolen