Coach Stockman Algebra I / Honors Geometry Prattville High School
My family: I am married to Janice Stockman She enjoys running, taking pictures, and reading. She is the Principal at Prattville Junior High School.
I have twin boys at PJHS
My Interests
My Expectations Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Resourceful
Consequences 1.Student/Teacher Conference - Break detention 2.Phone call home and/or conference 3.Office referral *A discipline log will be maintained. **Flagrant misbehavior will not be tolerated toward me or any student. You will be sent immediately to the office.
Why Are You Here? 7 th Grade ARMT+ EXPLORE (taken in October of 8 th grade) 1 st Semester average of 8 th grade Expectations Work Hard
Procedures Warm-up 1.Sit in your assigned seat. You may NOT leave. 2.Take out Interactive Notebook. 3.Immediately begin the Warm-up assignment (approx. 12 min). 4.Keep all work in your Interactive Notebook 5.There are days quizzes will be given during Warm-up time (Quizzes are 30% of your total grade).
Procedures Instructional Time: 1.You are to focus while I am teaching. 2.Questions are encouraged – just make sure you raise your hand. 3.Do NOT get out of your desk while I am teaching! 4.Complete all assignments.
Procedures Homework: 1.The last +/-15 minutes of class is dedicated to MATH homework. 2.Questions are encouraged. 3.Class will be dismissed by the teacher. 4.All homework must be completed in order to qualify to retake any test.
Procedures Tests 1.Test dates will be posted several days in advance. 2.A review will be given the day prior. 3.You can expect 4-6 tests each 9 weeks. 4.The average of your test grades will count 50% toward your 9 weeks average (semester).
Test Retake Policy Unit or mid-unit tests may be retaken (NOT quizzes). ALL homework must be completed (ALL work shown). Retakes will not be the same as the original test. Retakes may be in a different format than the original test. A student may not retake a test once the next test is given. Once a nine weeks has ended and final grades are entered, students may not retake tests from that grading period. A student may retake a test as many times as possible within the given time frame UNTIL they score lower than the previous attempt. The highest grade will be recorded in INOW.
Test Retake Policy (cont.) Students must sign up to retake the test. If the student does not show up to take the test at the agreed upon time, they forfeit the right to retake that particular test and must keep the last grade earned. The teacher may decide to assign tutoring or review work prior to making up a test. Should that happen, the student forfeits their right to a retake if they do not complete this prerequisite work. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO SIGN UP FOR MAKE UP TESTS. Retakes must be done on the dates listed on the sign-up sheet unless other arrangements are made with the teacher. The goal of this retake policy is MASTERY of the course objectives.
Grading 50%Tests / Major Grades 25%Quizzes / Minor Grades 5%Executive Skills 20%Exams
Final Exams/Final Grades Midterm - will be given at the end of the 1 st 9-weeks and count 20% of the 1 st 9-weeks grade (Semester 1). The midterm cannot be exempt. Final examination - At the end of the 2 nd 9-weeks, a final exam will be given, subject to the ACBOE exemption policy. This final exam will count 20% of the 2 nd 9-weeks grade (Semester 2). Absences for exemption
Final Exams/Final Grades 1 st Nine Weeks – 50% 2 nd Nine Weeks – 50% This formula will be used to determine your final grade for Algebra I. Credits and GPA
Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Any student who chooses to be dishonest will receive a zero for the assignment. Furthermore, if this dishonesty occurs on a test the student will NOT be allowed to retake the test!
Misc. Procedures Paper heading (example on next slide) Passing in papers Absences (homework on website) Intercom Traditional pencil/handheld sharpener or Mechanical pencil/extra lead – NO PENS!!!
Sample Paper Heading John Doe2 1 st period 12 August 2015 Textbook pg. 586 #1, 5, 12, 19, 27
Algebra I Units Unit 1: Introduction to Algebra I: The Value of a Variable Unit 2: You’ve Got Problems? Algebra’s Got Solutions! Unit 3: The Three R’s: Rise, Run, Regression Unit 4: Systems of Linear Equations Unit 5: Beyond the First Degree: Exponents and Polynomials Unit 6: Factoring and Quadratics Unit 7: Radical Expressions and Equations Unit 8: Rational Expressions and Equations
Supply List Required Materials: Composition notebook (NOT spiral) Glue stick Tape Colored pencils Small scissors #2 pencils or mechanical pencils (NO ink pens) Scientific calculator (TI-30 is recommended) Notebook paper Requested Donations: Copy paper Kleenex Paper towels Clorox wipes $$$ Donation: $10 classroom improvement donation
Final Notes: I expect to have a great year. We will respect one another and we will work hard. Math is essential to know for life skills. I am looking forward to teaching you this year and providing opportunities to learn about Math and about Life!
Final Notes: PIZZA!