Mrs. Moody 8 th Grade PreAP Algebra 1
Skyward Gradebook Students and parents should set up an account so that grades should be checked on a regular basis. set up an account so that grades should be checked on a regular basis. Go to
Grading For Algebra Minor Grades ~ 40% Major Grades ~ 60% Semester Exam ~ 15% STAAR Algebra 1 End of Course (EOC) test is Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Lamar Middle School Lesson Plans Syllabus Address Classroom Phone #
Google Drive Files are shared with students through their Google Drive
Every night – including weekends Students have class time Students have Advisory Period – 30 minutes each day Homework is PRACTICE Homework Think Through Math
Lessons On-line tutorials practice problems, quizzes, tests On-line Instructional Material Login: STUDENTS Digital Resources On-line homework will begin Monday, 9/14
If unable to access assignment online, student should use the Homework Helper that is kept at home. Go to same lesson. For example: If the online assignment is 1-7 Homework G, go to 1-7 in the Homework Helper book. Work the evens or the odds. Student will have to come before of after school to grade the assignment. Internet Issues
Text mmoody to 81010
available from Monday to Friday 8:15 – 8:40 Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 – 4:30 Extra Practice Sessions
Homework Haven in the Library with Peer Tutors Additional HELP
I am looking forward to a productive year, preparing your child for Marcus High School. He or she will be a freshman in about 169 school days!