What is Algebra? It’s Life It is how to use Mathematics in the Real – World It is using math to survive!!
Mrs. Richter Rm 229 Hello! My name is Mrs. Richter, and I would like to welcome you to Algebra. With your help, I feel this will be a very positive and enjoyable experience in your high school career. In this class you will gain knowledge that is needed to succeed and survive in life. It is imperative that you take this class seriously, but at the same time, have fun learning! I will respect your learning and you, and in turn, I hope to get the same respect from you while teaching. Thank you and have a great semester! Mrs. Richter
School – Wide Rules: 1.No eating in class 2.Hats are not permitted 3.Radios, phone, cards, etc. are not permitted 4.Remain in your seat at all times
My Classroom Rules: Always be on time Always be prepared Be RESPECTFUL of those around you Do not get up to leave for class until you are dismissed by ME.
BE ON TIME… To be considered on time, you must be in your seat when the bell rings. This does not mean at the door, or walking into class. Therefore, I suggest you have your materials on your desk when the bell rings, and your pencil sharpened.
BE PREPARED… 1. Must have a pencil 2. Must have your book at all times 3. Must have your binder at all times 4. Must have notebook paper in your binder at all times
YOUR TEXT You must have your text at all times. This year we will be using some really neat text supplements: 1. You will be able to access your text online! 2. If you do not have online access, you can still access your text with a CD.
YOUR BINDER It is a school – wide requirement for all students enrolled in a math class to keep a Math binder. This will be referred to as our “Math Notebook.” This is an essential tool in our class, as well as, a very helpful grade! Please read the following pages very carefully to learn how to maintain your math notebook.
YOUR MATH NOTEBOOK page 1 Your math notebook must be a three ring binder consisting of 3 - hole punched lined paper (notebook paper with ragged edges is not acceptable).
YOUR MATH NOTEBOOK page 2 Your math notebook must contain tab dividers, labeled the following: Review of the Day Notes Homework Worksheets/Handouts PSSA Grade sheet/Syllabus
YOUR MATH NOTEBOOK page 3 In each section of your notebook, the page beginning that days activities should be dated. For all homework assignments, you should include the proper heading that is now to be used school – wide.
YOUR MATH NOTEBOOK page 4 Your math notebook must be kept neat and organized at all times. You must have your notebook with you always!!! There will be notebook checks during the course of the year.
YOUR GRADE Notebook Homework PSSA opened-ended questions Research project Tests Quizzes Participation
You will be awarded 20 participation points at the beginning of every nine weeks. THIS MEANS THAT YOU BEGIN EACH NINE WEEKS WITH AN A!!!!! You can keep this A by doing the following: -bringing all required materials to class (pencil, notebook, book). -being respectful to those around you – not being a disruption during class. Each time you forget your materials or become disruptive, you will lose points.
ADDITIONAL NOTES The importance of the PSSA to you - you need to receive a score of proficiency or advanced to pass and to GRADUATE. - you will complete PSSA open – ended questions throughout the course of the nine weeks. About every two weeks, you will have to complete an open – ended question that will be handed into me and graded. - EVERYTHING we do in our math classes should be studied and understood by you, so that it is embedded in your mind for the PSSA.
ADDITIONAL NOTES Homework is due at the beginning of the class, not in the middle, not at the end of the day, and not the day after. Again, all homework is to have the proper school – wide heading. Points will be deducted when the heading is not present.
Letter to Home Dear Parent or Guardian: Hello! I would like to take a few moments to introduce myself. My name is Rebecca Richter, and I will be teaching your student this year in Algebra 2. If for any reason, you ever need to speak with me, please do not hesitate to call me at the school, at 724 – x1229. I am here to help your child succeed not only within my math class, but in the area of education, as well. Therefore, if our lines of communication remain open, we will all enhance your child’s success. Please keep in mind that math consists of practice, practice, practice. As a result of this, my students will have projects and homework assignments. It is our job to coach them on, both within the classroom and at home. So please be advised that my students should have their texts at home often. If at any time you need to check on your student’s homework or project assignment, you can call my extension and it will connect you to my homework hotline. Please read the attached course outline to better help you understand what your student will be required to do for my class. I thank you very much for your time, and for this opportunity to teach your student. I look forward to seeing you and speaking with you in the future. Sincerely, Rebecca Richter