This presentation is designed to help assist you in registering and creating an account to do online homework using the MyMathLab program via CourseCompass.
When you go to you will see this window: Under the “Students” menu, click on “Register”
The next screen will remind you that you wil need an address, a course ID for this class, and your Student Access Card. Your address will be your HCC Hawkmail account. The Course ID for this class is _____________. The Student Access Card came with your book if you bought it new. If you do not have an access card, you may purchase one from the textbook publisher. Click “Next” to continue to register.
You will be asked to accept the publisher’s licensing agreement. Click “I Accept”.
If you have used CourseCompass before, you can enter your login information here. If this is your first time, simply select that you are a new user here. Enter your access code from your Student Access Card here. Enter the school zip code here (33570) and look for HCC-Southshore. Finally, just below this be sure to select “United States” as your country.
Now you must input the course ID for your class. Your professor may have a specific course ID he/she wants you to use. Otherwise you can use one of the following course IDs that have been set up for use by any Southshore student. The generic course IDs that have been created are as follows: For MAT 0012 Pre-Algebra use the course ID: hardesty60737 For MAT 0024 Beginning Algebra use course ID: hardesty63842 For MAT 1033 Intermediate Algebra use course ID: hardesty95736 For MAC 1105 College Algebra use course ID: hardesty10161 For MGF 1106 & 1107 Liberal Arts Math I & II use course ID: hardesty34484 After putting in your course ID, click “Next”
On this screen you will be setting up the details of your account. First, you must input your first name, last name, and an address. It is suggested that you use your HCC Hawkmail address, but you may use any address you would normally access. Now select your school name from the drop down list. Continue scrolling down this page.
When you scroll down, you will be asked to create a Login Name. You can choose whatever you want. But it is recommended that you use your address. It must be something you will not forget! Next create a password. It must be at least 8 characters and, again, should be something you will not forget! Retype your password to confirm you didn’t make a typing mistake. Choose a security question from the drop-down menu, then type the answer here. This can be used to retrieve your login info if you should ever forget it. When finished, click “Next”.
You have now successfully created an account on CourseCompass for your course. This page is a confirmation page notifying you that your request is being processed. You will see an account ID and an order ID at the bottom. If anything should go wrong with processing your request, you can contact CourseCompass and reference these numbers. You should print this page for your records.
Dear John, Thank you for registering for Pearson Education online products. Save this important for future reference. You have successfully enrolled using Course ID: teachersname##### Click any of the links below, and log in with your Login Name and Password. If a link is not provided, you can access the material through one of the other links. Note: resource(s) that you did not register for directly have been provided courtesy of your textbook publisher. Go to your account. You should have an from Pearson Education that looks something like this…… This means you can now return to and log using the login name and password you created.
So now you’re back to the main login page. Now that you have an account you should simply click on “Log In”.
Enter your login name and password then select “Log In”
This is the main CourseCompass page you will see each time you log on. You should see your course listed here. Click on the name of your course to begin!
This is the homepage for your course. Any announcements should appear here when you log in. To do online homework, follow the “Do Homework” link. There are a few other features available to you. “Gradebook” will keep track of your homework results. “Take a Test” will allow you to take quizzes, etc. And “Multimedia Library” contains video lectures, online textbook pages, etc. Feel free to play around with thefeatures here.
When you click on “Do Homework” another window will pop up. This new window takes you into the MyMathLab program. This is the program CourseCompass uses to allow students to do homework, tests, etc. If your computer is set to block pop-ups, then you will get the message shown here and you will need to disable your pop-up blocker. Otherwise, you will get the screen shown on the next page. You should enlarge this window.
The homework page should look like this. To get started on your homework just click on the first assignment you want to work on.
Here you will see a link to each individual question you must complete for this assignment. Click on the first question to begin.
When you click the very first time to do a homework problem, you will most likely be informed that you must run the MyMathLab Installation Wizard. You must run this installation in order to view the homework questions, Videos, etc. You will be prompted with very clear and concise directions to run this installation wizard which will download the necessary files for you to use MyMathLab. Just follow these directions (it should only take a few Minutes). You will only have to do this once. Once this is done, you will be taken back to the first homework question to begin.
Here is the first question. You will see a menu of buttons on the left. These buttons must be used to input answers that cannot be easily input just using the keyboard (like fractions, square roots, etc.) If you need help using these buttons, there is a link to a tutorial on the main course page under the announcements. You will also see other buttons on the right where you can view a similar example, watch a video on this topic, etc. Again, feel free to play around with these features. Once you have worked out the problem on paper, input your answer here And then click “Check Answer”.
If you input a wrong answer you will get a box like this. Read the suggestions In the box and click “Done”. You should then rethink and rework the problem, then try again.
When you input a correct answer, you will see this box. Click “OK” to continue.
Click on “Next Exercise” to continue to the next question. When you are finished with the homework assignment you are currently working on, click “Submit Work”. This is a submission of the full assignment for a grade.
When you submit your work, you will be taken to a page that will give you an overview of what you have done on that assignment. Click “OK” to continue.
You are now back out on the main homework assignments page. From here you may do another assignment, or leave MyMathLab by closing the window.
When you close the MyMathLab window, you will now be back on the main CourseCompass page for your class. You can now logout.
THE END! If you have any additional questions about using MyMathLab you may Contact the Academic Success Center staff or Dr. Hardesty at the Southshore campus.