Algebra 1 Mr. Davidson
MR. DAVIDSON 1 st Hour Prep ’02 MHS Alum, ’06 Miami (OH), ’13 American International College 6 th year teaching, 10 th year coaching football (high school & college)
Marian’s Mission Statement Marian High School challenges students to spiritual and moral growth, academic and physical excellence, and social maturity. As a Catholic community, Marian values the sanctity and individuality of each student and strives to live the example set by Jesus Christ.
ALGEBRA MATERIALS Textbook – Algebra 1 Notebook & Folder OR Binder PENCIL Scientific Calculator
Why Algebra??? Pass the ECA!!! Problem Solving Basic necessary math skills needed for balancing budgets, planning trips, building ANYTHING, etc.
RULES Treat everyone with respect & dignity Be honest DO YOUR JOB Be prepared and willing to work Be accountable for your words and actions MARIAN HANDBOOK
Disciplinary Points & Consequences Levels 1 & 2: Warning from me and a correction of the behavior by you Followed by detention if the behavior continues and is not corrected Finally a meeting with the parents and possibly the administration Levels 3 & 4: No questions asked, immediate removal from the classroom and meet with the Dean of Student Formation
Class Procedures Tardy Bell & Attendance: In the classroom by the time the bell rings. Pencils should be sharpened, working on bell work (if no bell work, get materials out and wait quietly), get out any homework from the night before, get out materials needed for class (notebook, calculator, textbook). Notes: Most days students will be taking notes. Notes will occasionally be checked for a completion grade (5 points). It is the student’s responsibility to take notes and have them with them at all times Homework & Late Work: See next slides
Homework & Late Work Homework should be taken out and ready to go over once I am done taking attendance. IF it is collected, name must be on the paper and it must be completed in order to receive credit. Late Work: Any work that is checked or collected and not presented at that time is considered late. Excuses such as I left it in my locker, I brought the wrong book, or it’ll be done by the end of class (and many more) will result in a late grade. In order to receive late credit, you must show or turn in the assignment within a week of its original due date.
Absent If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed! Ask a classmate or ask me. If you are absent 1 day, you’ll get one day to make up the assignment that was given that day. If you are absent for an extended period of time, we will work out a schedule to try and get you caught up to speed ASAP. If you know ahead of time that you will be missing class, inform me so that I can try to get you the necessary materials or assignments that you’ll be missing.
Absent Tests/Quizzes DON’T BE SICK THE DAYS OF TESTS OR QUIZZES!!! If you are only sick the day before or the day of a test/quiz, you will be required to make that test/quiz up upon your return. If you are absent an extended period of time, then we will need to make a schedule for you to get caught up ASAP.
Expectations Ask questions! Effort Honesty Jerome Bettis
Assignment Find this on my Teacher Web Page, print it off, and have your parents sign it. Returned to me by Friday 8/14/15