Ms. Morton’s Introduction to the Fabulous World of High School Math Welcome to Algebra I Ms. Morton’s Introduction to the Fabulous World of High School Math
Learning Questions What am I learning today? The actions needed to be successful in math What am I going to do today? Get acquainted with my classmates, listen to Ms. Morton’s classroom expectations, and create a mental profile of myself as a successful Algebra I student How will I show that I learned it?? Participate in class discussion on what a successful Algebra I student looks like.
Ms. Morton Who is my teacher? Email: Blog: Remind: 81010, @ca1sem Interests: Everything, especially kickball.
How will I prepare for class? PENCILS, PENCILS, PENCILS! 2 whiteboard markers 1 composition notebook (100 pages) 1” binder or part of larger binder Notebook Paper Tissues. aaaaAAAHHCHOO!
What are we learning this year? Relationships between Quantities and Expressions Reasoning with Linear Equations and Inequalities (Part A and B) Modeling and Analyzing Quadratic Functions (Part A and B) Modeling and Analyzing Exponential Functions Comparing and Contrasting Functions Describing Data
How will my final grade be determined? Unit 1 Relationships between Quantities and Expressions 10% Unit 2A Reasoning with Linear Equations and Inequalities (Part A) Unit 2B Reasoning with Linear Equations and Inequalities (Part B) Unit 3A Modeling and Analyzing Quadratic Functions (Part A) Unit 3B Modeling and Analyzing Quadratic Functions (Part B) Unit 4 Modeling and Analyzing Exponential Functions Unit 5 Comparing and Contrasting Functions 5% Unit 6 Describing Data Homework Georgia Milestone/EOC 20% TOTAL 100%
What does a successful high school math student look like?
What does a successful high school math student look like?
What does a successful high school math student look like? Comes to class prepared. Follows classroom procedures upon entering the classroom. Completes homework on a regular basis. Checks and corrects all mistakes on assignments. Asks questions when he/she needs clarification. Participates in discussion to further understanding.
What does a successful high school math student look like? Listens to instructions before attempting any assignment. Respects peers and uses them as the great resource they are. Makes good use of class time and teacher’s availability. Attends tutoring as needed. Reviews mistakes and redoes missed problems to study for tests.
How do I prepare for math quizzes and tests?
How do I prepare for math quizzes and tests?
What does a typical day in math look like? Ms. Morton welcomes you to the class. You follow the “beginning of class” checklist. You work on a warm-up assignment while Ms. Morton takes attendance and checks homework. (10-15 minutes) The class reviews the warmup and the homework. (10-15 minutes) You receive a page to glue into your notebook. Ms. Morton explains the topic and gives examples. (10-20 minutes) You participate in an individual or group practice activity. (30 minutes) The class summarizes what was learned. (5 minutes) You follow the “end of class” checklist. (5 minutes)
What happens if I’m having one of those days…? Warning 1 Warning 2 + possible seat movement Assigned Detention Temporary Removal from Class
When is tutoring? Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 Transportation is not provided. If you need tutoring on another day, ask or send an email IN ADVANCE requesting that time.
What else?? 5 bathroom passes Can’t leave room during quizzes/tests Homework checked on stamp sheet Online grade recovery prior to EOC When you are absent, your makeup work is in the bins Quizzes may be made up until test day Late work is accepted until end of 6-week grading period Cell phone policy No eating, drinking is OK.
It’s all about … CONSISTENCY!