Open House Mrs. Bobo Team 8-2 Math/Algebra
About Me Jo Ellen Bobo 20 years teaching in Denton ISD 7 years at Calhoun Middle School/ 13 years at RCMS Married with 2 children: Bradely-22, James -12 East Central University, Ada, Oklahoma Bachelors of Science in Math Education Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Texas Masters of Science in Mathematics Department Chair: RCMS
Tutorials MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Before School 7:45-8:15 √No √√ After School 3:20-3:50 Appt.√√ Afternoons vary each week. I post my schedule in my classroom each week. (students should check with me about afternoons)
8 th Grade Math Team 8-2 Math 8 51 state standards (TEKS); 141 days until STAAR Example of 8 th Grade TEKS: The student applies mathematical process standards to use proportional and non- proportional relationships to develop foundational concepts of functions. The student is expected to represent linear proportional situations with tables, graphs, and equations in the form of y=kx.
Algebra Team 8-2 Algebra 1 41 State Standards (TEKS) plus 8 th grade TEKS High School Elective credit EOC counts towards graduation EOC 1 st week of May Example of Algebra 1 TEKS: Linear functions. The student understands the meaning of the slope and intercepts of the graphs of linear functions and zeros of linear functions and interprets and describes the effects of changes in parameters of linear functions in real-world and mathematical situations. The student is expected to develop the concept of slope as rate of change and determine slopes from graphs, tables, and algebraic representations
STAAR Math 8 State 2014 District 2014Crownover %91%99% Algebra 1 State 2014 District 2014Crownover %90%100% Algebra 1 State 2015 District 2015Crownover % (all testers) 85% (first time testers) 83.32% (all testers) 99.6% (280/281 middle school testers) 100% Math 8 State 2015 District 2015Crownover 2015 Not released
Codes EDMODO 1 st period iuk2hi 3 rd period 5xij7j 5 th period mp5ykm 6 th period z7abp8 7 th period 36wec5 SpringBoard Coming soon.
BOOKS Math 8 In class each day $95 to replace SpringBoard Students write in their books Algebra 1 In class each day $95 to replace SpringBoard Students write in their books
Grades Minor Summataive 30% Quizzes Entrance/Exit Tickes Oral questions in class Homework Quiz Major Summative 70% Unit Tests Common Assessments Projects
Homework Homework will be recorded in HAC as a parent and teacher information tool. 0 didn’t do it or didn’t have it with them 1 did not finish / lack of effort 2 completed / good effort
Reassessment Student must come to tutorials Student will complete a reassessment contract Student must have all homework leading up to assessment completed Student must do corrections on assessment Student must do additional practice assignment by teacher Student may then reassess.
RCMS Reassessment Contract
Calculators We are using the TI- 84 Plus calculator in class. Students will use this calculator on the Math 8 and Algebra 1 STAAR test It is not necessary to purchase one. Students will be able to use this calculator in high school and college.
Students may use a calculator on homework, quizzes, and test. Casio fx-300ms is a good calculator for home use. Cost about $10.
Class Information Where do you find information about class? Homework, quizzes, tests etc? Mrs. Bobo’s Webpage Weekly Planner Edmodo Join your class Student agenda
HELP!!!!! online math dictionary video instruction Khan Academy-
Contact Information Planning times 9:05-9:50 2:35-3:20 Webpage Phone (office) (classroom)