European Single Sky ImPlementation ESSIP DEVELOPMENTS Reference: SCG/10/AP05 – Action Paper 05 Christian Coëffé Head of European Single Sky Implementation SCG/10 meeting February 2009
ESSIP preparation Significant changes to existing objectives simplify the picture of safety related objectives expand the applicability area wherever acceptable continue with the alignment to SESAR / ATM Master Plan and SES legislation reflect the progress made in the implementation and/or the maturity of implementation initiatives Creation of new objectives start the implementation of SESAR / ATM Master Plan 1 2 details in annex 1 details in annex 2 Objectives declared Achieved still to be identified through analysis of implementation progress 3
ESSIP significant changes (1/4) Simplify the picture of safety related objectives remove all existing SRC objectives replaced by new ones focused on tasks to be performed by National Supervisory Authorities (NSA) within the context of SES implementation, instead of focusing on the implementation of ESARRs remove six of the SAF objectives to avoid potential conflict and confusion with the new SES related SRC objectives some of them are close to be declared Achieved
ESSIP significant changes (2/4) Expand the applicability area wherever acceptable New participating States / airports for: Airport Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) techniques Collaborative Environmental Management (CEM) at airports Mode S Elementary Surveillance Mode S Enhanced Surveillance
ESSIP significant changes (3/4) Continue with the alignment to SESAR / ATM Master Plan and SES legislation refine content of three Human Factors related objectives (scope, completion dates and sometimes SLoAs) continue the mapping of EC regulations, Directives and Community Specifications with existing implementation objectives
ESSIP significant changes (4/4) Reflect the progress made in the implementation and/or the maturity of implementation initiatives AOM16 (Agreed) removal extension of collaborative civil-military airspace planning with neighbours INF06 (Tentative) draft for further review enhance competency management in AIS/MAP as associated ARO functions NAV09 (Tentative) deletion enable GBAS CAT 1 based precision approach service
Active in ESSIP Migrate ground international or regional X.25 data networks or services to the Internet Protocol (IP) COM09 ESSIP creation of new objectives (1/2) Safety regulatory auditing SRC-AUDI Safety oversight of changes to ATM SRC-CHNG ATM safety oversight capabilities SRC-OVCA EUROCONTROL safety regulatory requirements (ESARRs) SRC-RMLK Safety levels and resolution of deficiencies SRC-SLRD
Draft in ESSIP (i.e. maturity approved) ADS-B-RAD: implement ADS-B to supplement radar and/or wide area multilateration ESSIP creation of new objectives (2/2) Improve integrity of aeronautical data (ADQ) Implement arrival management extended to En-route airspace ADS-B-APT: implement ADS-B as a sole or supplemental source of surveillance on the airport surface Migrate from AFTN/CIDIN to AMHS for international communications
The members of the SCG are invited to: a)Agree with the proposed new objectives and significant changes to existing one, as proposed in Annexes 1 and 2; b)Request that the Agency and concerned Teams/PSGs further develop these new objectives and significant changes ahead of the SCG meeting in May 2009 for final approval ESSIP recommendations