Warm Up 1.Quiz: Exponents & Exponential Functions 2.In the Practice Workbook, Practice 8-8 (p. 110) #1, 3, 5
Questions ?
Exponential Decay Starting Amount (when x = 0) Decay Factor
b = 1 – rate of decay (as a decimal)
Writing an Equation for Exponential Decay The value of a car is $20,000 and is depreciating at a rate of 12% per year.
Writing an Equation for Exponential Decay The population of a town of 18,000 is decreasing at a rate of 4% per year.
Writing an Equation for Exponential Decay The amount of a 20 mg dose of a antibiotic decreases in your bloodstream at a rate of 16% per hour.
Writing an Equation for Exponential Decay An investment of $8000 losses value at a rate of 2% per year.
Half Life
Half Life Formula Initial Amount Decay Factor Amount Remaining Number of Half Lives
Example: Half Life Fluorine-20 has a half-life of 11 seconds. Find the amount of Fluorine-20 left from a 40 gram sample after 44 seconds.
Example: Half Life Cesium-137 has a half-life of 30 years. Find the amount of Cesium-137 left from a 100 milligram sample after 180 years.
Example: Half Life Bismuth-214 has a half-life of 20 minutes. Find the amount of Bismuth-214 left from a 30 gram sample after 1 hour.
Example: Half Life Mendelevimu-258 has a half-life of 52 days. Find the amount of Mendelevimu-258 left from a 44 gram sample after 156 days.
Assignment In the textbook… pp #22 – 30, 32, 20, 21
Practice! In the Practice Workbook… Reteaching 8-8 (p. 109) # 4 – 6