M RS. S PENCER - A LG 1B Welcome back to school!
R EADY, SET, QUIZ! What club(s) does Mrs. Spencer sponsor? a) YEPO – Youth Empowerment Project of Ozark b) FTA – Future Teachers of America c) Math Club d) STARS – Students Talking About Rectangles and Squares What High School did Mrs. Spencer attend? a) Nixa HS b) EPIC HS c) Ozark HS d) Kickapoo HS
Q UIZ PAGE 2 Who is Mrs. Spencer married to? a) b) c) What activity(s) does Mrs. Spencer enjoy outside of school? a) Gardening b) Doing Math Problems c) Cage Fighting d)Exercising
Q UIZ P AGE 3 Which of the following is/are Mrs. Spencer’s animal(s)? a) b) c)
P LEASE USE M Y W EBSITE /6396 I post homework assignments and helpful websites
S YLLABUS I NFORMATION Supplies Calculator (TI-30xlls) 1 ½ Inch 3 ring binder Loose leaf paper Pencils and Erasers Pens for grading (If acquiring required materials is a problem, please see me ASAP!)
H OMEWORK / ACTIVITIES / BELL WORK – 50 % OF G RADE Homework should be done in Pencil Graded by accuracy or completeness NO WORK, NO CREDIT, NO KIDDING 10 points each assignment Late work will be accepted for 80% until the unit test and 50% after that.
LATE WORK Mark with an A- absent the day assigned or collected ?- do not remember if you were absent E- excused by Mrs. Spencer or official document L- if you chose not to complete the homework on time for any other reason
TESTS, QUIZZES, FINAL – 50% OF GRADE A unit test will be given every 3 weeks Final each semester Quizzes will be given periodically
R ESTROOM /D RINK /O THER Make passes for restroom/drink/other! Each quarter you will have 3 excused bathroom passes. Must be signed by Mrs. Spencer. Extra Credit
C ALCULATORS Must place a paper with your name on it in the pocket of calculator holder. Non-returned calculators will be charged to your student account
D AZED AND C ONFUSED ? Please Come ask for help is you have ANY questions. Before/After School Advisory Plan 5 th Block
E XTRAS Cheating Zero for you and all other persons involved Cell phones I don’t want to see or hear them or I will take them Laptops Used for Education as directed by the teacher ………not for Games, Chatting, Movies, Music, etc.
M ORE E XTRAS Music Homework time A privilege Discipline I rarely have problems, but if problems occur I will follow handbook policy.