Guide to the TDM online system
Features of the TDM system Automated Anonymous Free Ability to set up multiple teams Ability to track team progress over time
3 In the beginning… to request access to the
Start new survey Access reports Manage surveys
Setting up a new TDM… Start new survey
Setting up a new TDM (cont’d) Start new survey
Setting up a new TDM (cont’d) Insert team name Choose Team Type
Insert name of survey lead Choose survey lead Setting up a new TDM (cont’d)
Insert the name of each team member Choose team member
Setting up a new TDM (cont’d) Click when team member list complete
Responding to a survey Click here for survey
Responding to a survey (cont’d)
Error message if try to access the survey a second time
Managing a survey Manage a survey
Managing a survey (cont’d) Manage a survey
Click to send reminder Managing a survey (cont’d) Produce report
Managing a survey (cont’d) Reminder sent!
Managing a survey (cont’d) Add team members
Managing a survey (cont’d) Remove team members
Managing a survey (cont’d) Error message if team member is removed and tries to access survey
Producing a Report Produce report
Producing a Report (cont’d) Survey closed! Never mind… New survey round
Accessing a Report Click here for report
Accessing a Report (cont’d) To download To printTo view pages
Access reports Accessing a Report (cont’d) Access reports
Tracking over time… New survey round
Tracking over time (cont’d) New survey round started
Tracking over time (cont’d) Send survey out