1 IP services and Innovation activities of Italian Chambers of Commerce October 4 and , Unioncamere, Rome 8th Annual WIPO Forum on Intellectual Property and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises for Intellectual Property Offices and other Relevant Institutions in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Countries
2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION UNIONCAMERE (Italian Union of the Chambers of Commerce) is a public body in charge of taking care of the general interests of the Italian Chamber system. Founded in 1901, it represents and connects the Chamber system with local, national and international institutions. It also ensures the representation of Italian Chambers of Commerce within Eurochambres (the association joining 41 European national Chamber systems), and manages worldwide connection with other Chamber systems.
3 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SYSTEM Unioncamere promotes and supports the collaboration between the Chamber system and entrepreneurs, consumers and workers' organizations. Chambers’ tasks and functions can be divided into three main areas: market regulation and transparency; business promotion; advisory and proposals to local administrations.
4 INNOVATION, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY ACTIVITIES IN CHAMBER SYSTEM 72Chambers of commerce involved in innovation, technology transfer and industrial property activities 261Publications and events about these topics 111Collaboration and partnership with Institution, Universities and Research Centres for promoting and diffuse innovation, technology transfer and industrial properties 105Patents and trademark Offices 14Patent Information Libraries (PATLIB) 26Patent information Point (PIP) 44Millions of euros invested to innovation, technology transfer and industrial property issues 30Chambers of commerce involved in green economy issues 25Chambers of commerce involved in sustainable development activities Source: Unioncamere, Osservatorio camerale 2010
5 CHAMBERS INVOLVEMENT ON INNOVATION, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY ACTIVITIES Source: Unioncamere, Osservatorio camerale 2010 AInformation about security issues, quality systems and laws BValorization of patents and trademarks CStudies and analysis DCompanies training and education ECompanies technology support FConsulting and planning support GInfomation about financial opportunities for innovation projects HSeminars and workshops IDatabase queries LStandard information support
7 l IP APPLICATIONS AND DOCUMENTS FILED THROUGH CHAMBERS 2009 data Source: Unioncamere, Osservatorio camerale 2010
8 ITALIAN IP APPLICATION FILING AT CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE Applications: patent trademark design utility model
European patent applications with italian applicant, published by EPO in the period Source: Osservatorio brevetti e marchi Unioncamere-Dintec 2009 UNIONCAMERE IP OBSERVATORY
Italian community trademark applications, applied at OAMI in the period Source: Osservatorio brevetti e marchi Unioncamere-Dintec 2009 UNIONCAMERE IP OBSERVATORY
11 TECHNOLOGY FOCUS REPORT: FUNCTIONAL FOODS Definition of FUNCTIONAL FOOD Functional food is any healthy food claimed to have a health-promoting property. This food category includes processed food or foods fortified with health-promoting additives, like "vitamin-enriched" products. Omega-3 fatty acids Probiotics Polyphenols CoEnzyme Q10 Magnesium Anti-oxidants … COUNTRYPATENT SHARE (1) ANNUAL GROWTH RATE (2) USA23,6%5,5% Japan16,5%8,0% Netherland11,5%9,2% Germany9,2%4,0% Switzerland7,1%2,6% France5,7%4,4% UK5,4%4,1% Italy2,9%8,3% Canada2,6%18,4% Spain1,4%10,3% Belgium1,3%7,2% Australia1,2%3,4% Sweden1,1%0,0% Total G1289,6%6,3% Total EPO6.4576,5% (1)European patent applications ( ) (2)Annual growth rate for the period
12 FUNCTIONAL FOOD: ITALIAN STATE OF THE ART TYPE OF FUNCTIONAL FOOD IP COVERAGE (1) SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (2) Animal origin food27,6%31,5% Vegetal origin food33,0%56,6% Cereal food18,4%11,2% Other foods (for example spices) 15,7%10,9% Supplements14,6%3,2% TOTAL (1)European patent applications with italian applicant ( ); (2)Scientific publication with italian corporation/institute ( ) Source: Osservatorio brevetti e marchi Unioncamere-Dintec 2009
13 Thank you for the attention Pierluigi Sodini Unioncamere