Welcome to Team 8
Team Members John Barstow - Science - Abby Pottroff – Science Student Teacher Peter Kain- History - Kelsey Willis- Language Arts - Jessica Laster - Algebra - Danette Story- ESS - Ian Holman - Gifted - Ryan Norton – Computers –
Red Schedule 8:25-9:00Trooper Time/Lab 9:04-9:51 Elective I 9:55-10:42Elective II 10:46-11:44Core A 11:48-12:25Core B 12:25-12:55Lunch 12:55-1:21Core B 1:25-2:23Core C 2:27-3:25Core D
Academic Strategies & Trooper Time Academic Strategies (Lab) Focus on improving and enhancing students’ skills in reading and math. Trooper Time Olweus Bullying Prevention Binder organization Conference Preparation
Team Expectations of Students No passes the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of class. Grades will be posted every Tuesday. Late work will be accepted until the following Monday, with a 10% deduction. A parent contact will be made that day for a missing assignment. (Not available during the beginning of the school year) However your student’s grade is available on Skyward Parent Access which you can access at home. You may retake exams by appointment. You will be considered tardy if you are not in your assigned room by the time the door closes.
Team Expectations of Students Students should not ask about grades or any non- essential individual concerns during the first ten minutes of class. Misuse of computers including visiting unauthorized websites, or damaging computers will result in loss of privilege and possible office referral. Your behavior on field trips and school functions can eliminate you from future functions. Students have six restroom passes each six weeks for Core Classes. If special circumstances apply, please have a doctor’s note on file with the nurse’s office.
Team Expectations of Students If you are unprepared for class, you may use a pass, or take a tardy. All assignments should have a heading that includes the following: First and Last Name Date Core
Team Expectations of Parents Help your student be successful by: Checking planner for homework, quiz/test dates Encouraging your student to do their personal best Offering a time and place to do homework teachers if you have concerns or questions about your student’s performance. Check Skyward Parent Access frequently for student progress. Please update contact information (telephone and ) with the office as soon as possible. Notify school (office) and teachers as soon as possible when your child will be absent for an extended period of time.
Expectations of Team Daily agenda and homework assignments will be posted in each classroom daily. Lesson topics, homework, quizzes, and tests will be posted on the Team calendar. Grades will be posted in each classroom on Tuesday. We are available for meetings Wednesday from 9:30 -10:00, contact one of the counselors.
Science FOSS Program- Inquiry Based Chemical Interactions Electronics Human Brain and Senses Science Fair/Carnival of Knowledge A trip to the Konza Prairie Human Sexuality Students may be required to make up work after school if absent due to materials required to complete investigations. Arrangements need to be made ahead of time.
Math Students will work independently, with partners, and in groups utilize groups for homework Non-traditional Textbooks Parents can check out Discovery format Guided notes / Cornell Note System Need different color highlighters and pens Need 1 inch binder Available Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8:00 AM – 8:15 AM Remind 101 – (785)
Language Arts & Advanced Language Arts This class combines reading, writing, speaking, discussion, and audio/visual elements. Students can access the textbook materials at Textbooks will only be checked out to students or parents by request. We will have formative reading and writing tests before the State tests second semester.
History Economics, Government, Geography, Kansas History, and American History. Oh my! Text series – The American Journey access code: A C
Exceptional Student Services Help ALL Students Organization Strategies for Success Paraprofessional
Computers Computer applications Keyboarding Digital Citizenship Create Videos
Gifted Services If your student is identified as gifted, they will be in my Trooper Time. In Advanced Language Arts, and Advanced Mathematics from time to time.