1 Meeting 6 – Agenda Item 3:Introduction to my ORBITe New technical aspects (Eric R.) New navigation (Mark W.) Underlying principles and a view on future (Jean-Marc R.)
2 ORBITe General 1.Online unique source reliable information easier update reduced effort less paper reduced cost 2. Service-to-staff- oriented navigation increased staff awareness on services scope business opportunities better user friendliness of services staff autonomy 3. Search Underlying principles
3 ORBITe General 4. Corporate intranet rather than local intranets juxtaposition corporate culture (i.e. vertical + horizontal quick communication, transparent information) synergies + increased motivation enhanced efficiency Underlying principles (contd)
4 my ORBITe specific 1.Personalisation what I see is what I choose what I choose is what I need but what I choose is also what I like Underlying principles (contd)
5 A view on future Developments in order of expected occurrence: Online multimedia (e.g. Conference proceedings, speeches, videos) Online training Tele-working Virtual meetings Virtual coaching
6 Impact 1.Main/unique source of information increasing online publication effort decision to further reduce/stop paper 2.Online publication New skills, new jobs, new people 3. Corporate communication responsibility, network, ORBITe editor, editorial line, local correspondents 4. New risk competing communication channels
7 My ORBITe Launch 1.End of March WPG members role: good news messengers 3.OCCS as focal point for 1st line support My ORBITe Long term Success Condition 1. Senior management commitment to use it