1 2 nd Informal Workshops on Draft Revisions to the Disposal Reporting System Regulations June 24, Diamond Bar June 26, Sacramento
2 The Regs Process So Far §1 st informal draft regulations completed in November 2002 §Two workshops held to gather comments on the first informal draft in December 2002 §Focused workshops on subtopics within DRS regs held in March 2003 §2 nd informal draft and workshops in June 2003 §Comment period on second draft mid-June through July 18, 2003
3 Workshop Agenda §Morning l Overview of 1 st Draft vs. 2 nd Draft Changes l Signage and Training Requirements l Scales & Weighing Requirements l Frequency of Origin Survey, Identifying Jurisdiction of Origin, & Records l Reporting Due Dates §Afternoon l Riverside Survey/Determining Origin of Waste l Reporting Requirements l Non-Compliance l Wrap-up
4 Overview of Regs Revisions §SB 2202 recommendations §Highlights of proposed changes: l 1 st informal draft l 2 nd informal draft
5 Signage SB 2202 Recommendations §Require signs regarding origin surveys at facilities §Standard language to be developed by State
6 Signage 1 st Informal Draft §All facilities must post signs regarding origin surveys Post signs within 10 ft. of gatehouse Standard wording provided with some flexibility for alternative wording 2nd Informal Draft. §Facilities that assign waste to more than 1 jurisdiction must post signs Post signs in location visible to incoming vehicles. Additional wording provided Added a provision for languages other than English
7 Scales Requirements SB 2202 Recommendations §Require scales at all facilities above a certain daily throughput §Allow exemptions for rural facilities
8 Scales Requirements 1 st Informal Draft Scales required at stations and landfills above 100 tons per day threshold For rural landfills the threshold is over 200 tons per day Scales required at all transformation facilities 2 nd Informal Draft Scales required at stations and landfills receiving >100 tons per day (annual average) and operating >52 days per year Scales required at rural stations and landfills receiving >200 tons per day (annual average) and operating > 52 days per year Scales required at all transformation facilities Request for exemption from scales requirement for stations and landfills that can demonstrate a hardship
9 Weighing Waste SB 2202 Recommendation §Weighing of every load, except loads transported in pickup trucks and cars
10 Weighing Waste 1 st Informal Draft A facility with scales must weigh every load every day County may submit a request for a countywide reduction in weighing passenger vehicle and pickup truck loads For waste that is not weighed, use the volumetric conversion factor in the regs, or factor(s) approved by the agency 2 nd Informal Draft Facilities with scales must: Weigh every load >1,000 pounds Use documented volumetric conversion factors based on actual weight data for waste that is not weighed Facilities without scales must use documented volumetric conversion factors to estimate weight
11 Training SB 2202 Recommendation Board should implement a policy to provide training in the diversion measurement system, including Disposal Reporting System training
12 Training 1 st Informal Draft Training for relevant employees upon hiring and annually thereafter Training on specific sections of the DRS regulations Keep documentation of training 2 nd Informal Draft Training for relevant employees within 30 days of hiring and every two years thereafter Training on the DRS regulations as they apply to the employee’s job Keep documentation of training
13 Origin Surveys SB 2202 Recommendation Daily surveys of every load, with certain exceptions: l Loads transported in pickup trucks and cars l Small rural facilities
14 Origin Surveys 1 st Informal Draft Daily surveys with possible exceptions: Facilities may survey passenger vehicle and pickup truck loads during standard one-week per quarter survey period Facilities located in rural jurisdictions may survey all loads during the standard one-week per quarter 2 nd Informal Draft Daily surveys with possible exceptions: Facilities may survey loads of 1,000 pounds or less during standard one-week per quarter survey period Facilities located in rural jurisdictions may survey all loads during the standard one-week per quarter
15 Collecting Origin Information During the Survey Period SB 2202 Recommendation Create standards for collecting origin information, dispatch-based allocation, and cash customer information
16 Collecting Origin Information During the Survey Period 1 st Informal Draft Origin information from commercial haulers to be based on dispatcher records Standard information, including name, waste origin address, and hauler phone number to be collected from self- haulers, except passenger vehicle and pickup truck loads 2 nd Informal Draft Origin information from commercial haulers to be based on dispatcher records on hauler routes, billing records, or other relevant records Jurisdiction name to be asked of all other haulers Local agencies, under their own authority, may require operators to obtain additional information from haulers
17 Record Keeping SB 2202 Recommendation Board should develop a policy to conduct more audits of disposal facility records
18 Record Keeping 1 st Informal Draft Keep records of DRS information, methods, and calculations at a single location in CA Commercial haulers keep records of waste collection addresses Make records available for inspection, and provide copies, upon request 2 nd Informal Draft Keep records of DRS information, methods, and calculations at a single location in CA Commercial haulers, operators, and agencies keep quarterly documentation for verification of origin allocations (see origin survey information) Make records available for inspection, and provide copies, upon request Added provision for handling requests for proprietary information based on existing regulations
19 Landfill Report Content: Waste Received and Diverted 1 st Informal Draft Report the following by jurisdiction and by type of delivery (station, direct haul, and self- haul) l Waste received l Waste diverted on-site as ADC, AIC, and beneficial use l Waste sent off-site for reuse, recycling, or composting, by material type 2nd Informal Draft Report the following by jurisdiction only: l Waste received l Waste diverted on-site as ADC, AIC, and beneficial use l Waste sent off-site for reuse, recycling, or composting, by material type
20 Landfill Report Content: Waste Disposed 1 st Informal Draft Report disposal by jurisdiction and by type of delivery (station, direct haul, and self- haul) as follows: C&D debris, Inert debris, Designated waste by type, and All other waste combined 2nd Informal Draft Report disposal by jurisdiction and by type of delivery (station and direct haul) as follows: C&D debris, Inert debris, Designated waste by type, Disaster waste, and All other waste combined Report remaining disposal (i.e., disposal that was not delivered by a station or as direct haul) by jurisdiction only
21 Report Submittal SB 2202 Recommendation Landfill and transfer station operators should be required to send jurisdictions a copy of (DRS) information at the same time they send it to the county
22 Report Submittal 1 st Informal Draft All operators must send reports to jurisdictions at the same time they send them to the county Haulers must send export reports to jurisdictions at the same time they send them to the county 2 nd Informal Draft Operators and haulers send reports to jurisdictions only upon request Operators and haulers may make information available to jurisdictions by using the Board’s web site in lieu of sending reports directly to jurisdictions
23 Report Due Dates 1 st Informal Draft Hauler and station information due to receiving facilities 2 weeks after quarter ends Landfill, transformation facility, and district reports due to agency 6 weeks after quarter ends Export reports and station notifications due to agency 6 weeks after quarter ends Agency reports to Board and jurisdictions due 3-1/2 months after quarter ends 2 nd Informal Draft Hauler information due 2 weeks after quarter ends Station information due to another station 4 weeks after quarter ends Station information due to landfills and transformation facilities 6 weeks after quarter ends Landfill and transformation facility reports, hauler and station export reports, and station notifications due to agency 2 months after quarter ends Agency reports due to Board and jurisdictions 3 months after quarter ends
24 Non-Compliance 1 st Informal Draft Haulers or operators submit written allegations of non-compliance to agency who then forwards information to the Board Allegations of non- compliance shall go through the process set forth in section nd Informal Draft Haulers or operators submit written allegations of non- compliance to agency who then forwards information to the Board Haulers or operators may submit written allegations of agency non-compliance to the Board Agencies may also submit own written allegations of non-compliance to Board Allegations of non- compliance go through the process set forth in section 18804
25 Comments Due by July 18, 2003 to: Diane Shimizu CIWMB P.O. Box 4025 Sacramento, CA Phone: (916) Fax: (916)