Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Welcome to Middle School Home of the Stingrays !
The use of Knowledge is wisdom… “ Wisdom is supreme: therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Esteem her (wisdom), and she will exalt you: embrace her, and she will honor you ”
My Teaching Philosophy I believe that each day is what we make it. I believe stumbling blocks can become stepping- stones allowing us to step above our circumstances. History is filled with many that accomplished the impossible only because they believed in themselves. Each person, each student, YOU are worth my time and effort in helping you be successful.
Classroom Procedures a managing PLAN Mr. Capo Rm. 206
Enter classroom before the bell Greet the teacher and others Enter the room quietly Deposit homework assignment in the proper bin Go directly to your seat Get your materials ready Begin “Bell-work” immediately.
Entering during class Knock on the door Wait to be “waved” in Enter quietly Go directly to your seat Get your materials ready Get to work immediately
Getting to work immediately Have all your materials ready Read the assignment on the board or handout issued as bell-work Begin working on assignment If you don’t understand and need help raise your hand
Seating Chart You must sit in your assigned seat We will change seating arrangements as required during the school year Seating arrangements will be adjusted for group discussions and class projects Let me need if issues come up DO NOT MOVE ON YOUR OWN
Coming to attention : Hand Signal Look at the teacher Stop talking Listen for instructions
Listen To/Responding To a question or participating in class discussions Raise your hand Wait to be called on Ask your question or give your comment succinctly Do not speak when others are talking Specific roles will be assigned for group discussions and assignments
Getting materials without disturbing OTHERS Quietly walk directly to where the materials are located Get your materials Return directly to your seat Continue work NOTE : Do not move around the room during a class discussion or explanation
YOU need a writing utensil or paper Ask at the beginning of the class prior to bell Bring collateral to exchange for your supplies
If you finish early Work ahead on other assignments such as the Math Essentials Finish any missing assignments Create study questions or topics associated with the daily assignment Read your math or science novel and create your outline
When given an assignment Write the assignment in your agenda Review the required task Ask questions if you have any Accept the homework assignment Complete the assignment on time
When you are absent You are responsible for any missed work Be sure to check the website for work You have 2 days to complete the missing work If you are planning on being absent, notify the teacher ASAP to get the assignments beforehand You must present written reason for your absence upon return
End of class dismissal The teacher dismisses the class, not the clock or the bell From time to time you will have an exit assignment Put your materials away As you exit quietly be sure to drop off the exit assignment in the proper bin Say goodbye to the teacher and other students
When a school-wide announcement or class page is made from the office Stop talking Listen to the announcement Then continue working quietly
When visitors are in the classroom Continue with your work Be polite to the guest, answer questions if asked Maintain working if the teacher is called away Stay seated and quiet
Classroom Language Only appropriate language can be used Do not use negative words Speak only positively about others Respect your classmates, your teacher and yourself NO PHONE USE !!!
Walking the hallway during class time Line-up single-file in the classroom Be quiet Proceed out the door, without talking, in a single-file line Listen for instructions while walking in the hallway Walk on the right side of the hallway Wait outside the destination until you have permission to enter
Restroom and Hall Passes You are not allowed to use the restroom during class explanations and presentations. Make every effort to use the restroom before or after class Raise you hand and wait to be called. Only one student will be allow at any given time
If you are suddenly ill If time, ask the teacher for a pass If no time, go directly to the restroom If you cannot make it to the restroom, please grab the waste basket on your way out Report back when you are done to get a pass to the nurse’s office
Responding to a fire drill Line-up at the door, no talking Listen for the teacher’s instructions Exit the room to the left Go down the hallway, past the water fountain and proceed down the stairs to the first floor When you get outside, go towards teacher parking lot and wait for further instructions from the teacher
It is going to be a great year ! It is important that you respect and follow the classroom rules and procedures on a daily basis. ANY QUESTIONS ?
Instructional Time Structure “SEE HANDOUT” Bell work handout or on board to be done daily. Use worksheet or notebook Bell work reviewed in class Instructional period Closing remarks Exit work and home learning
Bell Work and Review 1.Work will be related to class topic and standard 2.Assignment will be located on the right hand upper corner of front board 3.It will include, handouts, board assignment, textbook, and discussion questions 4.These must be place in the pocket of your notebook or bell work notebook and graded 5.Reviewed in class and discussion questions on the website
Instructional Period Class lecture and lesson including textbook, power points, video, interactive activities, student lead presentations, guess speakers, and similar methods It will include a question and answer period related to subject matter including peer to peer teaching and grouping
Closing remarks and exit strategies A summary of daily and weekly topic Real life application of subject Question of the day: BE READY Exit quiz, discussion, and home learning
Class Participation and Discussions Participation in class and web discussion are mandatory. Be prepared each day to answer questions and bring new ideas to the subject matter. Teach the Teacher periods will occur from time to time. Web discussion will be posted and extended into classroom.
Home Learning Textbook assignments from 1.SCEINCE: Integrated Science 2.MATH: Springboard, Bridge to Algebra and Math Course 2 Handouts: In class and web based Research & Projects In class & web IXL Due dates critical and assignments must be dropped off when entering class
Taking Notes Taking notes is a critical part of the learning process. Note taking Strategies Vocabulary Strategies SEE HANDOUT
I Believe in YOU ! Mr. Capo