The European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation DAL/DQR Workshop Conclusions Brussels, February 2013 Presented by: Manfred Unterreiner SES unit EUROCONTROL
2 Did we meet the Objectives of this Workshop? Outline the overall concepts behind the DQR and DAL Specifications Facilitate to achieve a common understanding on the main underlying requirements Enable regulated parties to launch/progress their implementation in support of achieving compliance
3 Actions noted Participants – States & regulated parties: Send requests to support a re-run of DAL/DQR WS Actively inform colleagues (share WS material and understanding) Progress to apply Specifications during implementation State to declare DQR as common means for parties and to notify ADQ-ISC Collect and share justified (analysed) change proposals ref. DQR/HL Ensure input to SES reporting concerning progress and implementation difficulties, if any. Voluntarily and informally share this information with ADQ-ISC Eurocontrol: Share EC letter (dated Dec 2012) with participants Share Safety Guidelines Collect and analyse change proposals for DQR/HL evolution provided by parties Initiate arrangements to evolve the DQR/HL on basis of (sufficient) input Share the link to the guidelines concerning conformity assessment of legacy systems produced by the NCP/IOP (if available)
4 Specifications are available
5 Progress….. All Specifications are now available Ensure they are shared with all relevant actors Decide whether you apply them or if you use alternative means Take the lead and take action Do not wait until certain limiting (political) issues are solved By now you need to have full management support Engage with other regulated parties ….
6 You made it today… Excellent Workshop Thanks to Guest speakers Good interactions Keep in mind: Europe is currently busy to address ADQ Continue sharing… Exploit ADQ-ISC and the webpages
The European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation DAL/DQR Workshop Introduction Brussels, February 2013 Presented by: Manfred Unterreiner SES unit EUROCONTROL Thank you