The European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation Implementing DQR - A Practical View DAL/DQR Workshop Brussels, February 2013 Presented by: Erika Billen Belgium CAA
2 General Remarks (1) BCAA has not yet formally adopted the Eurocontrol Specification for Data Quality requirements. To do so, we need a change in the legal framework. We work on an amendment of the Decree of designation of ANSPs to integrate this specification in the list of requirements to comply with. This means also a change in the contract of management we have with our ANSP in order to add AIS as service and ADQ as requirement in it.
3 General Remarks (2) Our ANSP developed an implementation plan to achieve full ADQ IR compliance. One of the missing blocks is a clear view on the State role in the process : some tasks they need to do requires input and/or action from the State. As long as the State part is not accomplished, the ANSP cant progress. They identified the showstoppers and we will start in the near future a national task force to eliminate together the remaining issues the best we can. The help of ADQ implementation will be appreciated to make sure we understand well the requirements and to be sure our proposed implementation actions end up in the goal fixed.
4 Requirements National legal framework to be adopted in order to ensure ANSP will comply with DQR of Harmonised List. After adoption of DQR Specification, BSA-ANS will oversee the implementation of processes to comply with DQR of Harmonised List within ANSP. After adoption of DQR Specification, ANSP will include version of Harmonised List in its formal arrangements and BSA-ANS will do oversight. If one day, we would like an addition, we would discuss this on FABEC level and then with Eurocontrol and if needed also with ICAO.
5 Issues Annex 15 is not yet transposed in national legal framework. The management contract with ANSP is not yet updated and thus is not yet fully in line with current international legal framework. As long as national legal framework is not updated, BSA-ANS can only audit on ADQ IR implementation and check safety cases on their compliance with DQR. They have no other options to enforce the use of DQR Specification. Political level does not give priority nor resources for local implementation because misunderstanding of the situation : Europe made an IR with direct entry into force, so we dont need to do anything anymore.
6 Challenges Public Relations to convince hard work has to be done to get all parties involved on track for full implementation and compliance.
7 How does the DAL address the IR requirements? The origin and change history for each data item is recorded and available for audit; Validation of the Metadata requirements of the Data Set (Annex I, Part C)
8 How does the DAL address the IR requirements? The aeronautical data or aeronautical information is complete or any missing items are declared; Validation of the Data Set specification Identification of the Data Originators Formal Arrangements Data verification Validation of the mechanism to annotate the ADQ non- compliant data items
9 How does the DAL address the IR requirements? All data origination, production, storage, handling, processing, transfer or distribution processes used for each data item are defined and adequate for the assigned integrity level; Overarching Process Work Instructions Integrity Protection
10 How does the DAL address the IR requirements? Data validation and verification processes are adequate for the assigned integrity level of the data item; Validation of the data verification and data validation processes Validation of the data integrity protection mechanism
11 How does the DAL address the IR requirements? Manual or semi-automated data processes are performed by trained and qualified staff, with clearly define roles and responsibilities that are recorded in the organisations quality system; Validation of the skills and competency requirements Validation of the training processes
12 How does the DAL address the IR requirements? All tools and/or software used to support or implement the processes are validated as fit for purpose in accordance with Annex V; Validation of Tools and Software
13 How does the DAL address the IR requirements? An effective error reporting, measurement and corrective action process is in operation in accordance with Part F. Most of the objectives are in ANNEX J Validation of the Error reporting mechanism