The Rest of The Story Acts 16:25-34
News At 10:00 Breaking story Near riot in the city today Provoked by some preachers Captured and imprisoned Earthquake almost allowed an escape Rest of the story …
Realized He Was Lost (v. 30) Asked what to do Knew he was lost Feared for his life initially (Acts 12:19)
Realized He Was Lost (v. 30) Necessary realization Brevity and uncertainty of life (James 4:14) Certainty of the judgment (Acts 17:30, 31; Hebrews 9:27) All have sinned (Romans 3:23)
Desired To Be Saved (vv. 30, 31) Some have no desire to change Personal nature of being lost or saved Necessity of plain preaching (Acts 2:37; 7:51-60)
Summary of Modern Preaching “Believe to some degree, repent to some extent, or you might be damned somewhat” Most preaching not plain enough today
Desired To Be Saved (vv. 30, 31) Given a direct answer (v. 31) Many possible answers given today Told to believe (Acts 8:37) Heard their singing and praying Knew why they were there
Desired To Be Saved (vv. 30, 31) Are we helping people to know? Accomplished through teaching (Acts 8:30, 31; Romans 1:16) Power of example (1 Timothy 4:12-16)
Faith Came By Hearing (vv. 32, 33) Recall the answer Was to believe What was he to believe? (Acts 8:35-39) “Experience” not enough (John 6:44, 45; Romans 10:17)
Faith Came By Hearing (vv. 32, 33) Saving faith involves obedience (v. 33) Washed their stripes: godly sorrow Repentance necessary (Luke 13:3; Acts 17:30) Baptized in the same hour, risking his life (Acts 2:38; 22:16; 1 Peter 3:21)
He Rejoiced (v. 34) Proper place for joy Sorrowed over what he had done Could now rejoice Emotionalism does not guarantee the facts (Genesis 37:33, 34)
He Rejoiced (v. 34) Rejoicing follows obedience He was now right with God Rejoiced like the eunuch (Acts 8:39)
He Rejoiced (v. 34) Connection between belief and baptism Told to believe Baptized after being taught (Acts 18:8) Luke’s summary: “… having believed” (v. 34)
Conclusion What will be the rest of your story? Will it be told without joy?