BRYSON ISD Public Hearing Budget and Tax Rate Prepared by David Stout
District Funding State Aid Local Taxes Federal Funds (EDU jobs federal money dried up last year and this year due to the sequester we are loosing more federal funding. Total lost in direct federal funding from 2 years ago is about $55,000. We lost an additional $19,000 in federal money that we received from Sped Coop. (total $74,000) These 3 sources leave us with a projected balanced budget for M&O. Wind Farm Revenues This revenue is not included in the projected balanced budget. This revenue stream is temporary. However, the wind farms values allow us to do great things through I&S rates, with voter approval.
State Aid History (Last 20 yrs.) Robin Hood (Ch.41 passed in 1993) transferred more of the tax burden to the local taxpayer. HB 1 – Became law in July Established “Target Revenue” system and locked in funding at levels. SB 1- Became law in July Reduced our funding by 5.66% ($87,863) for Reduced our funding by 8.25% ($118,921) for Some of the cuts from 2011 were restored in 2013 but we are still not back to funding levels of 2011.
Property Values Increased or decreased local property value does not mean more or less total M & O money for our school Increased or decreased local property value does effect our debt service and what we can do for our facilities and to help balance our M & O budget by shifting some M & O needs to I & S.
Positive Factors Affecting Finances BISD has a diverse local property value based on mineral resources and wind energy. District enrollment has gone from 207 to 249 and is currently at 241. Nothing effects our state funding more than the number of students enrolled and their attendance rate.
Negative Factors Affecting Finances State funding is still not back to the level it was in 2011 before the legislature lowered it. Low Interest Rates Reduced federal funds for this year. Local early payment incentive ($65,000)
Goals of Budget Process Provide High Quality School for Children of the Community. Fairness and Responsibility to Taxpayers Maximize Available State Aid Ensure Future Financial Health of District Retain High Quality personnel Execute a balanced budget without wind farm revenue
Property Taxes are Determined By: Local Property Values State Laws District Tax Rate – Effort (we have highest M&O rate possible without a TRE) Bonded Debt (I&S rate)
Tax Rate Determination Tax Rate = Maintenance and Operation- $1.04 amount necessary to operate the school district for the budget cycle. Interest and Sinking Fund- amount necessary to pay our debt =.34
Proposed Tax Rate The Proposed Tax Rate for is: M&O = 1.04 I&S =.34 For a total rate of $1.38/$100 Valuation. One cent lower than the budget cycle we are completing. Early payment decrease only applies to M&O rate.
Taxes Due for Average Home in BISD Taxes due on average residence for last year was $ Taxes due on average residence for this year is $ ($1.10 per month saving) Decrease for this year on average residence in district is $ years ago tax rate was $1.50 for M&O and.07 for I&S or total of $1.57 ($1.38 for this year)
Benefits Reduces district staff by.5 professionals Provides competitive Salary/Benefit package for similar districts Continues all programs from a year ago and commitment to success center for math support and interventionist for reading support Allows for benefit increases for employees
Comparisons Comparisons to last year’s budget are reflected in: Personnel costs increase Reduced staffing Supply budgets basically the same Tax rate is lowered Maintains program offerings
Fund 199
Fund 240
Fund 599