SliTaz GNU/Linux is a free operating system working completely in memory from removable media such as a CD rom or USB key. It is light, speedy and fully installable on a hard drive. SliTaz is distributed in the form of a LiveCD that you can easily burn to a CD rom and boot from. When the system is running you can eject the LiveCD and use your CD drive for other tasks. The Live system provides a fully-featured, working graphical distro and lets you keep your data and personal settings on persistent media. The system can be extended with the Tazpkg package manager and security updates are provided for the cooking and stable versions.
PC System information Processor: 500 mhz x86 Memory: 512 MB (recommended 1 GB) Disk: 5 GB of Hard drive Space Graphics card and capable of 800x600
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PC performance and features – Word- processing, music, video internet
Power consumption ActivityPower Consumption (Watts) Notes Identify system configuration and application versions in operation N.A.Put a copy in hardware and software configuration into a WORD document and save as ‘Configuration’ in the Practical folder Off10 watts Max Boot95 watts Idle70 watts Using Word Processing68watts Using EXCEL/Spread Sheet 70 watts Playing good music82 watts Playing a video85 watts Downloading Rocky & Bullwinkle from Joost watts